traffic-light labelling n a system of food labelling in which red, amber, and green symbols are used to indicate whether the food contains high, medium, or low amounts of sugar, fat, salt, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishe...
finds that while most people check front-of-pack (FOP) labels and recognise their importance, the 'traffic light' system used by many retailers is ambiguous to consumers, who also suffer from 'information overload' and a lack of contextual knowledge. ...
Elizabeth GoughGordon
Food labels comprise a national health-intervention policy that informs consumers of food-product nutritional value. Previous evidence has indicated that, compared to a purely numeric guideline-daily-amount label, a traffic-light-inspired, color-coded label more effectively conveys the nutritional level...
Food labels should feature mandatory nutritional information and guideline daily amounts, according to draft EU legislation adopted by the European Parliament recently. However, MEPs rejected a proposal for 'traffic light' values to highlight the salt, sugar and fat content of processed foods. 年份...
Two brain regions affect the reward system While study participants were thinking about what price they wanted to pay for a particular product, the scientists recorded the activity of various brain regions using functional magnetic resonance imaging. A red traffic light label activated a structure in...
The Food Standards Agency has developed the traffic light food label (TLFL) to counteract consumers' unhealthy nutrition. The TLFL and the product category can influence the health and taste expectation, as well as the purchase intention. The literature suggests that people with low general health...
Food labels and strategies that increase visibility and convenience of healthy foods (choice architecture) promote healthier choices, but long-term effectiveness is unknown. Assess effectiveness of traffic-light labeling and choice architecture cafeteria intervention over 24 months. Longitudinal pre–post ...
Traffic-light labelling on packaged foods has been proposed as a public health intervention to improve the dietary intakes of consumers. Objective: To model the potential impact of avoiding foods with red traffic lights on the label on the energy, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar int...
traffic light system A simple system devised by the Joint Working Group for Quality Assurance, which is accountable to the Royal College of Pathologists for assessing performance on external quality assurance schemes in the UK.• Green for no problems.• Amber for an episode of poor performance...