in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Its wide crown casts a light shade, and nodules in the roots fix atmospheric nitrogen that is added to the soil. In the Dominican Republic, cacao is grown under the shade of Amapola Erythrina poeppigina (Walp. O.F. Cook). Other ...
Annatto first spread in the form of food coloring, also known as paprika, a condiment widely used in cooking to enhance the color of food. Today, however, its use has spread into many segments of industrial production. Thus, it is now applied on the skin—in the form of makeup and sun...
Introduction Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a member of a group of compounds known as purine alkaloids [1], occurs naturally in plants used to make beverages such as coffee and tea, and is added in the formulation of many soft drinks. Caffeine is a well-known central nervous ...