Uruguayans like a drink made from mate leaves or Paraguayan holly berry. The drink is always consumed hot. It takes somewhat like tea and is good for health. Grappamiel, a drink containing honey, alcohol, and Italian grappa, is considered the national drink of Uruguay. Local cafes and ...
Sens Paraguay Building / ATV Arquitectos Jiakeli Apartment Renovation / MOZHAO ARCHITECTS Mount Washington Studio / FAR frohn&rojas 75 Myrtle Street Offices / Tonkin Zulaikha Greer The Renovation of Sriwara Office / FATTSTUDIO Lakehouse / CollectiveProject De...
The cultivation of this herb is carried out in recognized countries like Argentina, Paraguay and even the south of Brazil, where the meteorological conditions and of the land make it suitable to obtain the best raw material. The mate is part of the daily life of an Argentinean, it is consid...