//dataset-cn-beijing-external/TPC-H/1TB/partsupp/'; CREATE EXTERNAl TABLE external_tpch.region ( r_regionkey int NOT NULL COMMENT '', r_name varchar NOT NULL COMMENT '', r_comment varchar COMMENT '', dummy varchar ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE...
dataset_generate_root_path 存放生成测试数据集的路径。默认值为/your/working_dir/benchmark/datasets。 执行以下命令,进行全流程自动化TPC-H测试。 全流程自动化进行TPC-H测试,主要包括:生成数据、创建测试数据库tpc_h_sf<scale_factor>,例如tpc_h_sf1000、创建表、导入数据。 bin/run_tpch.sh 您还可以执行以...
//dataset-cn-beijing-external/TPC-H/1TB/partsupp/'; CREATE EXTERNAl TABLE external_tpch.region ( r_regionkey int NOT NULL COMMENT '', r_name varchar NOT NULL COMMENT '', r_comment varchar COMMENT '', dummy varchar ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS TEXTFILE ...
TPC-H is a test set developed by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) to simulate decision-making support applications. It is widely used in academia and
具体部署步骤略 架构 1Fe + 3 BE 执行ddl 执行sql 文件: sql/tpch/ddl_100/tpch_create.sql 创建 tpch 表 测试数据 StarRocks 官网获取 starrokcs tpch 测试 工具包 wget https://starrocks-public.oss-cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com/tpch-poc-0.1.2.zip ...
For the TPC-H benchmarks we used Clustered Column-Store Indexes (CCI) to achieve the performance numbers in the Full Disclosure Report. With CCI, the TPC-H dataset’s compression ratio is 1:2, meaning most of the dataset fits in memory thus the reads are logical. The physical I/O acti...
- 2011 () Citation Context ...ghts to ultimately suggest a representative set of columns for which data skew could be implemented.Figure 2: SSB Schema TheuniformcharacteristicsoftheTPC-H[1]datasethave been studied extensively in =-=[13]-=-. According to the TPC-H specification the term “...
As described in the TPC Benchmark™ H (TPC-H) specification:“TPC-H is a decision support benchmark. It consists of a suite of business-oriented ad hoc queries and concurrent data modifications. The queries and the data populating the database have been chosen to have broad industry-wide...
That is, a data warehouse may keep the X last months of data, which means that every month the oldest archived month must be removed from the dataset. Using range-partitioning, such can be efficiently achieved by range-partitioning the data per month, dropping the oldest partition. ...