TPYRDataset(英格兰中部的年平均温度数据) 数据摘要: Thisdatasetisatimeseriesdata.Itisaboutaverageannual temperature,centralengland,1723-1970. 中文关键词: 时间序列,英格兰中部,年平均温度, 英文关键词: Timeseries,CentralEngland,Averageannualtemperature, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: ThedatacanbeusedforDataMining. ...
Based on the proposed model, we also construct a PatientEG dataset with 191,294 events, 3,429 distinct entities, and 545,993 temporal relations using EMRs from Shanghai Shuguang hospital. To help to normalize entity values which contain synonyms, hyponymies, and abbreviations, we link them ...
Tp: Tampering S: Same (means the tampered region was copied from the same image) And the rest is similar to case a. If you use the groundtruth dataset for a scientific publication, please cite the following papers: CASIA dataset @inproceedings{Dong2013, doi = {10.1109/chinasip.2013.6625374...
ObjectLinkProviderDataSet.WebObjectsDataTable.WOBJ_TP_IDColumn PropertyReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: WebSvcObjectLinkProvider Assembly: ProjectServerServices.dll Defines the column for the WOBJ_TP_ID field. C# Copy public System.Data.DataColumn WOBJ_TP_IDColumn { get; }...
This panel dataset provides an assessment of the independence of central banks in 21 OECD countries (excluding the Eurozone), focusing on their monetary policy autonomy as determined by legislation in 2010, 2015, and 2020. Our data collection adopts a novel approach, building upon the innovated me...
Groundtruth of spliced images in dataset CASIA 1.0 CASIA 2.0 groundtruth dataset is avaiable at: Please notice that the authors made mistakes in naming the files. If you already downloaded the dataset, I recommend you to rename the tampered images...
In this study, we investigate imaging through scattering media and discover that the mathematical relationship learned by the network is an approximation dependent on the training dataset, rather than the true mapping relationship of the model. We demonstrate that enhancing the diversity of the ...
tp 1 kk y yej666 CC0 计算机视觉 0 8 2024-07-03 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 BSR_bsds500.tgz BSR_bsds500.tgz (67.49M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time BSR/documentation/Arbelaez_Maire_Fowlkes_Malik_TPAMI2010.pdf 10767108 2013-01-23 07:21:04 BSR/bench/source/match.hh ...
Therefore, we have released a multilingual dataset of social media posts related to COVID-19, consisting of microblogs in English and Japanese from Twitter and those in Chinese from Weibo. The data cover microblogs from January 20, 2020, to March 24, 2020. This paper also provides a ...
publicboolIsWOBJ_TP_IDNull() Return Value Type:System.Boolean True if the SharePoint list GUID (tp_ID) is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). See Also Reference ObjectLinkProviderDataSet.WebObjectsRow Class ObjectLinkProviderDataSet.WebObjectsRow Members ...