摘要 Pancreatic cancer is a malignant form of cancer with one of the worst prognoses. The poor prog nosis and resistance to therapeutic modalities have been linked to TP53 mutation. Pathological examinations, such as biopsies, cannot be frequently performed in clinical practice; therefore, noninvasive...
Guimaraes DP, Hainaut P (2002) TP53: a key gene in human cancer. Biochimie 84:83-93Guimaraes DP,Hainaut P.TP53:a key gene in human cancer[J].Biochimie,2002,84(1):83-93.Guimaraes DP, Hainaut P. TP53: a key gene in human cancer. Biochimie 2002;84:83 - 93....
质粒的正确性和完整性通过桑格测序(LGC基因组学)或NGS进行验证。 用于递送Cas9和单导向RNA(sgRNA)的质粒是通过将退火的单链寡核苷酸通过BbsI介导的黄金门克隆插入到pX330-U6-嵌合_BB-CBh-hSpCas9(pX330,由Feng Zhang赠送,Addgene目录号42230),pSpCas9(BB)-2A-Puro(PX459)V2.0(pX459_puro,由Feng Zhang赠送,A...
CONCLUSION: The TP53 germline mutation is more common in Chinese population with a high risk for breast cancer than previously thought. TP53 gene mutation screening should be considered particularly for patients with a family history of LFS and very young age of onset. PMID: 26663043 DOI: 10.3760...
[关键词 ] 前列腺癌 ;TP53 基因 ;预后 ;基因检测 ;突变 DOI:10.13201/j.issn.1001-1420.2022.12.004 [中图分类号 ] R737.25 [文献标志码 ] A ClinicalfeaturesandprognosticvalueofTP53genemutation inpatientswithprostatecancer QIFeng LIXiao XU Weizhang CAI Hongzhou XU Ting YU Bin ZOU Qing XU Zicheng (...
CONCLUSION: The TP53 germline mutation is more common in Chinese population with a high risk for breast cancer than previously thought. TP53 gene mutation screening should be considered particularly for patients with a family h...
TP53 gene-mutation and protein expression of p53 are described as being of prognostic importance for the outcome of breast cancer. The present study was therefore carried out to evaluate whether TP53 mutation would be a feasible prognostic marker in the routine diagnostic evaluation of breast cancer...
(3) there are 30 methylated CpG resides in exons of the DNA-binding domain of the TP53 gene and these residues have a 10-fold higher mutation rate than unmethylated CpG residues and (4) some TP53 mutant alleles produce proteins that add a 'gain-of- function phenotype' to cancerous cells...
TP53, the most frequently mutated gene in human cancers, orchestrates a complex transcriptional program crucial for cancer prevention. While certain TP53-dependent genes have been extensively studied, others, like the recently identified RNF144B, remaine
. The mutation/deletion ofTP53was soon demonstrated in many common tumor types (Nigroet al., 1989), and the cancerprone Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, which is characterized by a familial clustering of early (< 45 years) onset tumors, was found to be caused by germline mutations in theTP53gene (...