英语翻译bottom-up processingtop-down processing 答案 bottom-up:从细节到总体的,从个别到全貌的;自下而上的bottom-up processing 从细节到整体的处理过程top-down(规划或设计)从总体到细节的;综合的top-down processing 从从提到细节的处理过程/综合处理过程相关推荐 1英语翻译bottom-up processingtop-down processin...
在Irene今天发布的故事分享中,提到了两种思维方式,一个叫做 Top-down processing,一个叫做 Bottom-up processing。 其实呢这个top和up大家不妨可以理解为自己的大脑;这个down和bottom可以理解为我们的行为或者是跟行为相关的感官,比如视听触嗅等等。 首先大家请看看这两张图片: 图一是看见了年轻的姑娘还是年老的巫婆?
这就是从上到下(top-down processing)和从下到上(bottom-up processing)的处理过程。那么二者之间有什么区别呢? Top-Down Processing Top-down processing is defined as the development of pattern recognition through the use of contextual information. For instance, you are presented with a paragraph written...
环境知觉:(1)自上而下的知觉加工(top-down processing):知觉受到已有经验的影响,辨认范围缩小,速度加快。(2)自下而上的知觉加工(bottom-up
Generally speaking, there are two approaches to understanding the process of perception. These are the top-down processing and the bottom-up processing. What differentiates one from the other? Let's find out. Top-Down Processing Top-down processing is defined as the development of pattern recognit...
Our image of bottom-up processing might be a scientist with a magnifying glass examining the ecology of a transect - a tiny part of the landscape the eagle surveys. 我们“自下而上法”的图像可以是一位科学家,拿着放大...
Our image of bottom-up processing might be a scientist with a magnifying glass examining the ecology of a transect - a tiny part of the landscape the eagle surveys. 我们“自下而上法”的图像可以是一位科学家,拿着放大镜,仔细端详一个横切面——是老鹰俯视的风景中的极小的一部分。
1) top-down processing 自上而下的加工例句>> 2) bottom-up processing 自下而上的加工 1. In cognitive psychology, reading, whether in L1 or in L2, is information processing which involves top-down and bottom-up processing functioning interactively. 这一加工是自上而下的加工和自下而上的加工...
Top-Down: Perception is constructed by cognition. Behavior is influenced by Conceptual Data. 认知帮助完善感知。 例子:当在黑夜寻找厕所或者冰箱时,大脑会帮助构建周围的环境,完善感知缺乏的信息。 即通过全局信息来得到当前的图像关注点。 从下到上 Bottom-Up: Data-driving approach stating that perception dire...
Top-down v. Bottom-up ProcessingJudy Duchan