在Irene今天发布的故事分享中,提到了两种思维方式,一个叫做 Top-down processing,一个叫做 Bottom-up processing。 其实呢这个top和up大家不妨可以理解为自己的大脑;这个down和bottom可以理解为我们的行为或者是跟行为相关的感官,比如视听触嗅等等。 首先大家请看看这两张图片: 图一是看见了年轻的姑娘还是年老的巫婆?
Generally speaking, there are two approaches to understanding the process of perception. These are the top-down processing and the bottom-up processing. What differentiates one from the other? Let's find out. Top-Down Processing Top-down processing is defined as the development of pattern recognit...
There are two ways people can decide what to focus on and how to analyze it when going through their daily lives. Explore how attention works and discover how the top-down and bottom-up processing methods determine where people place their attention. ...
What is top-down processing? Learn its definition, see examples of top-down processing in psychology, and read about the difference between...
三、自上而下与自下而上的色彩感知处理模式 Top-down versus bottom-up processing 当你寻找一款 APP 时,你会逐行搜索,还是直接浏览页面?如果你像我一样,你大概率会是后者。 在心理学中,有两种对立的刺激处理理论:自上而下和自下而上。 自上而下——是指我们将预期投射到刺激物上,然后处理得到的信息。
Bottom-up processingThe current research discusses the problem of the different reading processing models that prevail nowadays in Psychology. Here we find a duality between the bottom-up approach, which has been extensively studied, and the top-down approach, which has been scarcely investigated. ...
Sign In Sign Up Top-Down ProcessingTop-Down Processing is also known as "large chunk" processing and states that we form perceptions (or focus our attention) by starting with the larger concept or idea (it can even be the concept or idea of an object) and then working our way down to...
Top-Down Processing | Definition, Benefits & Examples from Chapter 5/ Lesson 12 315K What is top-down processing? Learn its definition, see examples of top-down processing in psychology, and read about the difference between top-down vs bottom-up processing. ...
From the early times in which Psychology began to acquire the status of an autonomous scientific discipline, the theories of visual perception were faced with a fundamentale dilemma: is visual perception the result of bottom-up or of top-down mechanisms? Extremizing a little, we can say that ...
Some favor perceptual (bottom-up), others cognitive/inferential (top-down) approaches. We here try to disentangle and apply new definitions to the functional categories " cognition " and " perception, " based on anatomically distinct neural processing systems in the human brain. Especially, the ...