质谱技术是蛋白质组学(proteomics)研究中的关键技术。在蛋白质质谱领域,主要有两种分析策略:Top-down(自上而下)和Bottom-up(自下而上)。这两种方法在处理和分析蛋白质样品时有本质上的不同。 1、Top-down策略(自上而下): 在Top-down方法中,整个蛋白质直接被引入到质谱仪中,并在质谱仪内部被解离为较小的片段...
Bottom-up proteomics analyses now allow efficient extraction and digestion such that membrane protein coverage is essentially complete, making up around one third of the proteome. However, this coverage relies upon hydrophilic loop regions while transmembrane domains are generally poorly covered in peptide...
Many bottom-up proteomics research endeavors also benefit from high-throughput top-down mass spectrometry analysis. The main advantages of the top-down approach include detection of degradation products and sequence variants, which helps to solve inference...
Top-down proteomics analyzes intact proteins with high-throughput quality. Whereas, in bottom-up proteomics, proteins need to be digested into peptide fragments before MS analysis, Top-down proteomics involves separating intact proteins from complex biological samples using conventional separation techniques...
General bottom-up (left) and top-down (right) proteomics profiling workflows. The primary characteristics of bottom-up approaches are enzymatic digestion of a small set of biological samples, liquid chromatography–based high-resolution peptide separation, and MS/MS analysis for both relative ...
报告题目:New Strategies in Top-Down Proteomics for Precision Medicine 组学技术是精确医学的促成力量,用高分辨率Top-down质谱揭示蛋白质组的复杂性,在翻译后修饰(PTM)中具有优势。报告介绍了一种用于Top-down蛋白质组学的光解表面活性剂(Azo),Azo作为Top-down和Bottom-up蛋白质组学的一体式Ms兼容表面活性剂。报告...