1953- Josef Stalin buried in Moscow 1954- 1st local color TV coml WNBT-TV (WNBC-TV) NYC (Castro Decorators) 1954- Edward R Murrow criticizes Sen Joseph McCarthy (See it Now) 1954- WMUR TV channel 9 in Manchester, NH (ABC) begins broadcasting ...
🌅 #Today in History#1951.03.06罗森堡夫妇间谍案开庭朱利叶斯·罗森堡(Julius Rosenberg, 1918.05.12 - 1953.06.19)和艾瑟尔·格林格拉斯·罗森堡(Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg, 1915.09.28 - 1953.06.19)夫妇是冷战期间美国的共产主义人士。他们被指控为苏联进行间谍活动,判决与死刑的过程轰动了当时西方各界。
#Today in history18个 #作家11个 #英语学习573个 Nov 27, 1953 Eugene Oneill(尤金·奥尼尔), the American playwright and Nobel laureate in literature (1936), died at age 65. Reference https://eugeneoneill.org/ https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/lit...
In 1953, the Arthur Miller drama “The Crucible” opened at the Martin Beck Theatre in New York. In 1973, former President Lyndon B. Johnson died at his Texas ranch at the age of 64. In 1998, Theodore Kaczynski pleaded guilty in Sacramento, California, to being the Unabomber responsible f...
🌅 #Today in History# 1918.04.14 著名红学家——周汝昌(1918.04.14 - 2012.05.31)出生 1918年4月14日,周汝昌生于天津城外25公里的咸水沽镇。 其祖父是天津八大家东门外天成号韩家账房先生,后自立门户,故家...
Today in History – 27 July Posted onJuly 27, 2009 1953 1st insulin isolated by F Banting and C Best in Toronto 1949 1st jet-propelled airline, De Havilland Comet, flies 1945 U.S. Communist Party forms 1944 1st British jet fighter used in combat, Gloster Meteor ...
Today in History - May 21--Today in History for May 21:On this date:In 427 B.C., philosopher Plato was born.In 1471, King Henry VI of England was executed during the "Wars of the Roses." Henry of the House of Lancaster, the only child of Henry V and Catherine of Valois, was ...
Nigel Mansell born 1953 Dustin Hoffman born 1937 9th Eileen Gray born 1878 Sharon Tate murdered 1969 Rosemary Leveson Gower born 1893 Jackie Cochran died 1980 10th Eddie Fisher born 1920 Leo Fender born 1909 Grace O’Malley born 1530 11th Diana Mitford died 2003 Jon Cleary born 1962 12th Charli...
This technological advancement marked a significant milestone in the company's history, transforming its operational capabilities. In April 1993, the 4D draw became closely linked with the Singapore Sweep draw, a connection that endures to this day. On the first Wednesday of every month, the 4D ...
Today in History - May 9--Today in History for May 9:On this date:In 1092, England's Lincoln Cathedral was consecrated.In 1265, the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy, was born.In 1460, witch burnings were held in the courtyard of the episcopal palace in Utrecht...