This Day InHistory PeopleBornThis Day (1969-) Marilyn Manson (1932-2016) Umberto Eco (1931-1989) Alvin Ailey (1928-1979) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1938-) Juan Carlos I (1893-1952) Paramahansa Yogananda View More Events ByMonths FEBRUARY
🌅 #Today in History#1929.11.13嘎达梅林起义嘎达梅林(1892 - 1931.04.05),姓名莫勒特图·那达木德,又名业喜,汉名孟青山,蒙古族,内蒙古哲里木盟(今通辽市)达尔罕旗(今科尔沁左翼中旗)腰茫哈苏木(今舍伯吐镇)塔木扎兰屯(今塔本扎兰嘎查)人。「嘎达」(同东北话「老嘎达」)蒙古语中意为家中最小的兄弟(老幺),...
or the July 7th Incident of 1937(七七事变), which used to be commonly regarded as the start of a major war between then Imperial Japan and the Republic of China. However, recent years, September 18th Incident in 1931 ...
Sep 18, 1931- The Mukden Incident gave Japan the pretext to invade and occupy Manchuria China.喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 5年前放弃800万学区房、带娃环游世界,如今他们后悔了吗? 麦子熟了 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容质量低 不看此公众号 你会给孩子取名...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1888年7月23日:美国著名硬汉派侦探小说家雷蒙德·钱德勒出生。 1931年7月23日:蒋介石提出“攘外必先安内”的方针。 1989年7月23日:震惊日本的“宫崎勤事件”犯罪者宫崎勤被捕。 201...
1931- George/Ira Gershwin's "Of Thee I Sing," premieres in NYC 1931- Pulitzer Prize-winning musical play "Of Thee I Sing" opens on Bdwy 1931- SS-Sturmbannfhrer Reinhard Heydrich marries Lina von Osten 1932- Earthquake kills 70,000 in Kansu China ...
14 election, which King's Liberals won.In 1931, Peter Kurten, dubbed "The Monster of Dusseldorf," died by guillotine in France for raping and killing eight women and children in a 10-month period.In 1937, American aviator Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific ...
Walt Disney Company history: 1927 - The ninth Oswald the Lucky Rabbit film,Harem Scarem, premieres at Colony Theater in New York City. 1930 - The Mickey Mouse filmPioneer Daysis released to theaters. 1931 - Disney completes the Mickey Mouse filmMickey's Orphans. Minnie Mouse and Pluto also ...
See all photos dated 31 Dec 1931 31 Dec 1932 Mineichi Koga was promoted to the rank of rear admiral.ww2dbase[Mineichi Koga|CPC] 31 Dec 1934 Werner Mölders completed basic flying training at the Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule in Cottbus, Germany.ww2dbase[Werner Mölders|CPC] ...
1931 - In Hagerstown, Maryland, USA a meteorite crashes through a roof. 1934 - Ward Line's American luxury liner Morro Castle (11,500 tons) burns off New Jersey, killing 133-137 of 547 total passengers and crew. On September 7, Captain Robert R. Wilmott was found dead in his cabin of...