1931 - Richard Rodgers/Lorenz Harts premieres in NYC 1933 - -54¯F (-48¯C), Seneca, Oregon (state record) 1933 - Delivery of 1st singing telegram (Postal Telegram Co NYC) 1933 - Dutch seaplane bombs Dutch ship 1933 - Hitler proclaims end of Marxism 1933 - Mutiny on "7 Pr...
or the July 7th Incident of 1937(七七事变), which used to be commonly regarded as the start of a major war between then Imperial Japan and the Republic of China. However, recent years, September 18th Incident in 1931 ...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 1888年7月23日:美国著名硬汉派侦探小说家雷蒙德·钱德勒出生。 1931年7月23日:蒋介石提出“攘外必先安内”的方针。 1989年7月23日:震惊日本的“宫崎勤事件”犯罪者宫崎勤被捕。 201...
🌅 #Today in History#1929.11.13嘎达梅林起义嘎达梅林(1892 - 1931.04.05),姓名莫勒特图·那达木德,又名业喜,汉名孟青山,蒙古族,内蒙古哲里木盟(今通辽市)达尔罕旗(今科尔沁左翼中旗)腰茫哈苏木(今舍伯吐镇)塔木扎兰屯(今塔本扎兰嘎查)人。「嘎达」(同东北话「老嘎达」)蒙古语中意为家中最小的兄弟(老幺),...
1929 - Birth of Sixten Jernberg in Sweden; skier (Olympics-gold-1956, 1960, 1964). 1931 - Birth of Freddie Trueman; cricket player ("Fiery Fred", 307 wickets for England). 1940 - Birth of Jimmy Tarbuck; English comic/golfer.
Thomas Edison( 1847 - 1931 ) Today's Birthday Malcolm Campbell Race Car Driver, British(1885) A British corporation director and automobile racer. Rupert Murdoch Business Magnate, American(1931) Australian-born American media magnate. Bobby McFerrin Vocalist, American(1950) American vocalist and...
.1875 ~ TheGeorges BizetoperaCarmenpremiered in Paris. .1931 ~ The “Star Spangled Banner” was adopted as the American national anthem. The song was originally known as “Defense of Fort McHenry.” .1931 ~ The first jazz album to sell a million copies was recorded. It was “Minnie The...
Winston Churchill, British statesman, with his family on board the S. S. Majestic in New York City on Dec. 31, 1931 when he left for the Bahamas for a vacation, and complete recovery from the results of an accident during a lecture tour in the U.S. Churchill intends to return to com...
【Today in History for Feb.28】Scientists discover DNA's double-helix structure; The Branch Davidian standoff begins in Waco, Texas; Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme assassinated; U2 releases its 'War' album. 历史上的今天http://forum.putclub.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=166 ...
were among those in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 24, 1931, who aided in the distribution of Christmas bundles at the Central Union Mission. They are shown as they helped Santa Claus distribute presents to the children in the foreground. Mrs. Herbert Hoover is in front and Mrs. Herbert Hoov...