July 18th, 1936. Start of the Spanish Civil War as General Francisco Franco leads the military uprising throughout the country. Franco becomes Spain's dictator 3 years later when his national's forces topple Madrid's Republican government. 1969. ...
🌅 #Today in History#1936.09.07袋狼灭绝袋狼(Thylacinus cynocephalus),现已全部灭绝,因其身上斑纹似虎,又名塔斯马尼亚虎,曾广泛分布于新几内亚热带雨林、澳大利亚草原等地,后因人类活动只分布于塔斯马尼亚岛。袋狼是近代体型最大的食肉有袋类动物,和其他有袋动物一样,母体有育儿袋,产下不成熟的幼兽,在育儿袋...
In 1936, the first five inductees of baseball’s Hall of Fame — Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson, and Walter Johnson — were named in Cooperstown, New York. In 1963, poet Robert Frost dies in Boston, at 88. A memorial service would be held at Amherst College, ho...
1933- Bulgarian communists Dimitrov, Popov & Vassili arrested in Berlin 1933- Congress is called into special session by FDR, & began its "100 days" 1936- Babe Ruth turns down Reds to make a comeback as a player 1942- Construction of the Alaska Highway began ...
11 Mar 1936 China The village of Tauran in Mongolia Area, China was subjected to clashes between Mongolian separatist troops (accompanied by Soviet advisors) and Japanese-Manchukuoan troops. The disputed village was secured by the Japanese-Manchukuoan side by the end of the day. [Tauran ...
Feb 29, 1936 Feb 26, a group of young Imperial Japanese Army officers attempted a coup d'état in Tokyo with the goal of purging the government and military leadership of their factional rivals and ideological opponents. The coup failed, and the rebels s...
#惊人惊事# ——today in history 986年6月18日:北宋名将、“杨家将”杨家之主杨业殉国。 1815年6月18日:著名的滑铁卢战役爆发,拿破仑战败退出历史舞台倒计时。 1935年6月18日:瞿秋白就义牺牲。 1936年6月18日:...
1936 - (to February 16) The IV Olympic Winter Games are held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. 1941 - Auke Adema win 6th official Dutch 11 Cities Skating Race (9:19). 1947 - Compton and Arthur Morris both complete dual tons in same Test Cricket. ...
Tithing-Death Benefit. It is the intention of the First Presidency to give, as a matter of aid and reward for faithfulness, from and after January 1, 1936, to one or more or all of the faithful Church members of the family of a deceased tithe-payer dying after January 1, 1936, an...
Roy Brown of Carleton Place, Ont., a flight leader in the 209th Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps.In 1926, the future Queen Elizabeth II was born in London. Her parents were the Duke and Duchess of York, who became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1936. The younger Elizabeth ...