To the Bone: Marti Noxon द्वारा निर्देशित. Rebekah Kennedy, Lily Collins, Dana L. Wilson, Ziah Colon के साथ. एनोरेक्सिया से जूझ रही ए
To the Bone: Directed by Marti Noxon. With Rebekah Kennedy, Lily Collins, Dana L. Wilson, Ziah Colon. A young woman, dealing with anorexia, meets an unconventional doctor who challenges her to face her condition and embrace life.
To the Bone (2017) Home 46 of 94 To the Bone (2017)
The new Netflix-produced drama, “To the Bone,” written and directed byMarti Noxon, tells the tale of a young anorexic using the inside-joke gallows humor of the “rexies” (anorexics) themselves. Instead of approaching the topic in a solemn “issue of the week” way, “To the Bone”...
To the Bone,一个关于Eating Disorder(进食障碍)的故事,它比较真实地还原了一个进食障碍患者的挣扎与...【转发】@宅客小宅:#新片速递# 【「美影」骨瘦如柴 To the Bone (2017)】Netflix新片,基努里维斯和莉莉柯林斯主演,一个患有厌食症的20岁女孩艾伦在青少年时期接受过很多康复治疗,但每次发...
Watch the movie trailer for To the Bone (2017). Directed by Marti Noxon and starring Keanu Reeves, Lily Collins, Carrie Preston and Alanna Ubach. A young woman is dealing with anorexia. She meets an unconventional doctor who challenges her to face her c
好看的短剧>电影>骨瘦如柴 To the Bone(2017)HD 个人觉得应该在东亚地区多播放一下。经常看到一些欧美女演员的照片瞎评论说胳膊粗腿粗脸大的。。。而且基本都是女性。豆瓣相对来说都是受教育程度比较高的群体了,还是这么狭隘。对东亚地区病态的审美真是无语了。
exposed 50 to the bone 2017. 看了很感动的一部。对于任何为原生家庭或体重所困扰的人来说,看这部片就相当于一次心理治疗了。继thumbsucker之后,kiki终于正式演了一次心理医生(他是真的很关爱青少年啊。完美~ 就是感觉戏份还是不够看😂期待他结结实实主演一部心理医生片😂lily演的很好。看到carrie preston...
“To the Bone” was produced by Bonnie Curtis, Julie Lynn, and Karina Miller. CAA and WME Global are brokering the deal. READ MORE: Netflix Acquires ‘The Incredible Jessica James’ — Sundance 2017 The film marks Netflix’s ninth acquisition from this year’s fest, and second Tuesday, ...