The new Netflix-produced drama, “To the Bone,” written and directed byMarti Noxon, tells the tale of a young anorexic using the inside-joke gallows humor of the “rexies” (anorexics) themselves. Instead of approaching the topic in a solemn “issue of the week” way, “To the Bone”...
《To the Bone》,一部讲述一名20岁女孩如何与厌食症抗争的电影,在7月14号登陆Netflix。 这部影片的剧本在一定程度上是基于导演兼编剧本人Marti Noxon早年厌食症和贪食症的经历。 Noxon在推特上称,“我拍这部电影的目的,不是美化进食障碍,而是希望借它开启关于这一问题的讨论,这个问题常被掩盖在隐秘和各种误解之下。
To the bone 深刻入骨 这篇影评可能有剧透 哎好片才6.3分,喜歡這種不矯情的電影,不刻意說大道理也不賣慘,就是很真實的呈現厭食症患者的心理罷了。「你不曾撫弄內心的弱點,儘管它們在那兒。你的勇氣是一塊小小的煤炭,你吞了又吞。如果你的夥伴為了救你而死,那麼他不是死於勇敢而是愛。愛,就像刮鬍泡一樣簡單。
To The Bone Studio: Netflix Directed by Marti Noxon Jul 12, 2017 By Stephen Danay Web Exclusive Although she’s worked on many television shows over the last two decades, Marti Noxon is probably best known as a long-running writer/director/executive producer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ...
CSI Dr. Ray Langston George Eads CSI Nick Stokes CSI Greg Sanders, Lab Tech Greg Sanders, Greg Sanders Chief ME Dr. Al Robbins Captain Jim Brass, CSI Jim Brass User Reviews There are no user reviews yet.Be the first to add a review. Related News...
Work Him to the Bone: Directed by Dan Anatomik, Rhiannon Anatomik, Siouxsie Q, Michael Vegas. With Reagan Foxx, Charlotte Chanel, Dana Vespoli, Ember Snow.
Steve Warner
0.00pm - 11.55pm]]>Read the full-text online article and more details about FILM REVIEW: Close to the Bone; Marvin's Room Ch4, 10.00pm - 11.55pm.Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
The movie was written and directed byRon Shelton, an expert on sports movies; he wrote and directed “Bull Durham,”“White Men Can't Jump” and “Cobb,” and wrote “Blue Chips.” One of his trademarks is expertise, and yet “Play It to the Bone” isn’t an inside job on boxing ...
- Mean as the day is long.- We work our fingers to the bone for that woman.adj. + as the day is long:非常;一贯地,一如既往地The Free Dictionary例句:Ever since she proposed to me, I've been as happy as the day is long.He's as deceitful as the day is one's ...