The new Netflix-produced drama, “To the Bone,” written and directed byMarti Noxon, tells the tale of a young anorexic using the inside-joke gallows humor of the “rexies” (anorexics) themselves. Instead of approaching the topic in a solemn “issue of the week” way, “To the Bone”...
Stanley Kubrick is obviously a genius, an enigma, and Leon was emersed in this magical world, he worked his fingers to the bone for a man he obviously admired and this devotion comes across, even though the demands Kubrick put on him took it's toll. I would give my right arm, left ...
From any era and genre, these are the greatest Black actors in film history, ranked by the community to determine who is the best of all time. These Black actors are the top in the business, and many are also among the best living actors today. From those who have portrayed classic ...
As Ellen, a young anorexic pushing her body closer and closer to self-digestive disaster, Lily Collins informs her body with a subtle angularity that’s complemented by her curt and defensive line deliveries.To the Bonerevels in female vulnerability and in corporeal anxiety that can be understood...
To The Bone Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s Marti Noxon heavily based her directorial debut on her own teenage experiences with anorexia, and it shows in the details. It isn’t just the knowledgeable, intimate information about “rexy” calorie-dodging tricks like chewing food and spitting it out...
THE INTENT 2: THE COME UP Tim Faraday Tony Todd Troma We Still Kill The Old Way Zombie 2014 24 HOURS IN LONDON A GOOD WOMAN IS HARD TO FIND A TEAR IN THE SKY Alana Wallace Australian horror Bai Ling BFI London Film festival Book Breaking Glass Pictures Byron Gib...
The stars of mother! posed with their director. 2/20 Venturelli/WireImage Leslie Bibb & Sam Rockwell The To the Bone actress and her famous beau coordinated on the carpet. 3/20 Dominique Charriau/WireImage Jim Carrey The famous funny man posed for photographers at an event for his ...
Rita is an unappreciated lawyer stuck in a dead-end job, Jessi wants to move on from her presumed-to-be dead husband, and Epifanía intends to move on from her abusive husband. Audiard makes it clear that the women cannot escape the drug cartel world even though they’d like to. Emilia...
Born to be Bad(1934, USA, d. Lowell Boss Level(2021, USA, d. Joe The Boxtrolls(2014, USA, d. Graham Annable and Anthony The Boy(2015, USA, d. William Brent A Boy and his Samurai(2010, Japan, d. Yoshihiro Nakamura.revie...
a hallucinogenic drug made of peyote is just handy for her to use as an anesthetic. The whole procedure is under close scrutiny with convincing practical effects and Jen literally represents a phoenix rising from the ashes before striking out to take her vengeance.Since we are safe in the know...