Finally, we enter the mainloop. The event handling starts from this point. The mainloop receives events from the window system and dispatches them to the application widgets. It is terminated when we click on the close button of the titlebar or call the quit() method. 最后,我们进入主循环。...
A context menu is a regularMenuwidget. Thetearofffeature is turned off. Now it is not possible to separate the menu into a new toplevel window. self.master.bind("<Button-3>", self.showMenu) We bind the<Button-3>event to theshowMenu()method. The event is generated when we right cli...
self.create_button(mb.askretrycancel,"Ask Retry/Cancel","Returns True or False") self.create_button(mb.askyesnocancel,"Ask Yes/No/Cancel","Returns True, False or None")defcreate_button(self, dialog, title, message): command =lambda:print(dialog(title, message)) btn = tk.Button(self, ...
该库的标准图形用户界面(GUI)包是 Tkinter,它是 Tcl/Tk 的一个薄的面向对象的层。 从Python 3 开始,Tkinter模块被重命名为tkinter(小写的 t)。它也影响到tkinter.ttk和tkinter.tix扩展。我们将在本书的最后一章深入探讨tkinter.ttk模块,因为tkinter.tix模块已经正式弃用。 在本章中,我们将探索tkinter模块的一些...
window will automatically close auto_close_duration=None, Number of seconds for autoclose non_blocking=False, If True returns immediately icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, Icon to use on the taskbar line_width=None, Width of lines in characters font=None, Font to use for characters no_titlebar=False,...
Thanks to the magic of and Remi it's possible to run PySimpleGUI code in a browser window without having Python running on your computer. This should be viewed as a teaching and demonstration aid. It is not meant to be a way of serving up web pages. It wouldn't work any ...
tbuid=self.create_window((pos[0]+2,pos[1]+2),window=tbu,width=width,height=30,anchor='nw') uid='notebook'+str(tbuid) self.addtag_withtag(uid,tbuid) scro=self.add_scrollbar((pos[0]+5,pos[1]+32),tbu,height=width-5,direction='x',bg=bg,color=fg,oncolor=onfg) ...
win = Toplevel(root) # new window win.title('Sing...') # set border win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda:None) # ignore close win.iconbitmap('py-blue-trans-out.ico') # not red Tk msg = Button(win, text=tree, command=win.destroy) # kills one win ...
root.title('Lumberjack demo') Label(root, text='Main window', width=30).pack() Button(root, text='Quit All', command=root.quit).pack() # kills all app root.mainloop() 7、窗口状态 image.png 8、子窗口获得根窗口 theframe.master.xxxx 9、 """ pop up three new windows, with style ...