you will see that most of them have different window designs. Some applications, like games, run in full-screen mode. Utility applications, like calculators, run in fixed-size mode with the maximize or minimize button disabled.
frame.title("Tkinter Window Size") frame.attributes("-fullscreen",True) Label(frame, text="This Window has Fullscreen Option Set with the attributes() method", font=("Arial",20,"bold")).pack() frame.mainloop() When this code is executed, the following window is displayed: As you can...
Python爬虫、数据分析、网站开发等案例教程视频免费在线观看 1.设置透明度 # 透明度的值:0~1 也可以是小数点,0:全透明...3.设置全屏 # True 全屏;False 正常显示 root.attributes("-fullscreen", True) 4.窗口置顶 # True 所有窗口中处于最顶层;False 正常显示两个同时...
And now, I am finally able to close the window using either the destroy method or the x button I see in the Display class you have a todo for making fullscreen tkinter windows, if you still need that, it can be done with: Code: Select all window.attributes("-fullscreen", flag)...
self._gl_widget = ModernglTkWindow(self._tk, width=self.width, height=self.height) self._gl_widget.pack(fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=tkinter.YES) self._tk.resizable(self._resizable, self._resizable)ifself._fullscreen: self._tk.attributes('-fullscreen',True) ...
I went from not even being able to load a window in Tkinter reliably to making a loading screen, and full program in one night with PySimpleGUI." "I love PySimpleGUI! I've been teaching it in my Python classes instead of Tkinter." Quick Links To Help and Read Up on the Latest ...
25xscrollcommandThis options is set to the set() method of scrollbar to make this widget horizontally scrollable. Methods ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT There are the following methods associated with the widget. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT SNOptionDescription ...
self.statusBar = QStatusBar() self.setStatusBar(self.statusBar) # 渲染UI self.retranslateUi(MQt) # 绑定槽函数 QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate ...