import tkinter as tk def create_custom_titlebar_window(): root = tk.Tk() root.overrideredirect(True) # 移除默认标题栏 root.geometry("400x300") # 设置窗口大小 # 这里将添加自定义标题栏的代码 root.mainloop() create_custom_titlebar_window() 4. 使用Tkinter小部件设计自定义标题栏的外观和功能... (别忘了给项目一颗star~) 证明不是普通的窗口: 可以在“标题栏”里嵌套文本框 看到这里,你可能好奇这是怎么一回事了吧,那就是 —— “我把标题栏给重做了” 整个事情的大概: 几百年前 ,一个月前,我就看到有许多自定义标题栏的样例,我很羡慕,...
项目地址:littlewhitecloud/CustomTkinterTitlebar: 这是一个📚项目可以帮助你拥有一个📑自定义的标题栏!📦小组件可以被🗄放到这个标题栏里面!This is a 📚project can help you to have a 📑custom titlebar! 📦Component can 🗄add into titlebar~ ( example=CTT()example.usemaxmin(F...
Tkinter makes it possible for you to remove the system-provided title bar of your app's main window. This tweak is handy when building a custom GUI that doesn't use the default window decorations. The default title bar highlighted on our example window In the image above, the red border ...
Tkinter 是 Python 中用于创建 GUI 的标准库,而网格布局是 Tkinter 库提供的一种布局管理器。...padx=10, pady=10, sticky="w") 在上述示例中,我们创建了一个自定义标签 custom_label 和一个自定义按钮 custom_button ,并使用 grid() 方法进行了自定义的布局设置...完整示例代码下面是一个完整的示例代码...
padx set internal padding between menu bar buttons x_offset set the x distance from the header y_offset set the y distance from the header postcommand add a command before spawing the dropdown *other frame parameters other ctk frame parameters can also be passed CustomDropdownMenu This is th...
For example, it's not possible to change the color/look-and-feel of a titlebar using tkinter or the other GUI packages, but with PySimpleGUI it's easy to create windows that appear as if they have a custom titlebar. Unbelievably, this window is using tkinter to achieve what appears to...
importtkinterastkclassCustomScrollbar(tk.Tk):def__init__(self):super().__init__()self.title("Custom Scrollbar Example")self.text_area=tk.Text(self,wrap=tk.WORD,height=15,width=50)self.scrollbar=tk.Scrollbar(self,command=self.on_scroll)self.text_area.configure(yscrollcommand=self.scroll...
import tkinter as tkdef say_hello():label.config(text="Hello World!")root = tk.Tk()# 创建一个自定义的字体对象,设置其大小custom_font = ('Arial', 14, 'bold')#设置背景填充颜色label = tk.Label(root, text="Click the button to say hello!", font=custom_font, bg = 'red')label.pack...
需求 为Unity的Editor窗口添加右键菜单 实现代码 // This example shows how to create a context menu inside a custom Edi ... 随机推荐 bash中变量+=,if大小判断,随机休眠 #!/bin/bash index= while true;do echo "hello" (( index+=)) echo `date "+%H:%M:%S" ... ...