Hi, guys. Today, I'm gonna share with you my five best tips for IELTS speaking part one, and I will do this with five model answers. So, you can see how to use these tips, so you can improve your answers and get a higher score in the IELTS speaking test. Let's do it!嗨,伙...
4.It open more avenues for getting a better job. 5.Young age is the right time to learn multiple languages. 6.You can break many hurdles and expand your horizons. 7.As our knowledge in language expands, the better we can communicate. FIVE SIMPLE RULES Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test...
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Length of Answers Some people think that they must give only short answers in speaking part 1. Other people think you should expand all answers for all questions. Take a look at the answers below and then click on the advice tab to reveal advice about what is accep...
Part 2 (Long Turn) Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test lasts between 3 and 4 minutes (including 1 minute preparation time). The examiner gives you a task card and you have to speak about the subject without interruption for between 1 and 2 minutes. Example Task Example 1) Describe a ...
Here's a question for you: in part one of the IELTS speaking exam, how long do you have for each answer? 想问你一个问题:在雅思口语考试的第一部分,你的每个答案需要多长时间? In IELTS speaking part one, the examiner is aiming to ask you twelve questions. 在雅思口语第一部分,考官目标是问...
TheIELTS speakingtest lasts14 minutesand is divided into 3 parts. Part 1 takes up the first 5 minutes and begins when the examiner greets the candidate with a “Good morning/afternoon. My name is ………. .” The time has come for you to speak. This first part is not so demanding. ...
Now, come closer. Now, listen. Imagine that you've prepared for your IELTS speaking test for months, right? You've been preparing, you've had lessons, you've watched videos, you've done a mock test, you've got a speaking partner and you're ready to go.现在,靠近点。听着,想象一...
为了帮助考鸭们更好地提升口语能力、备考雅思口语考试,我们邀请到三位学术大咖进驻直播间,为大家答疑解惑。雅思官方专家Jonathan Dixon将为大家讲解IELTS Speaking: Top Tips。 针对考鸭们在备考口语中遇到的问题,今天为大家带来Part 1/2/3的...
Part 1 and Part 2/3. If you click a topic word, you can see a sample question sheet whose contents are mainly from the test-takers' memories. (They aren't real exam questions, but they are very close.) These samples are a tremendous asset for understanding the real IELTS speaking ...
About IELTS Speaking Part 2 This lasts from 3-4 mins. You will be asked to give a talk. The examiner will give you a topic card with bullet points on and pen and paper to prepare ideas. You will have 1 min to prepare your talk. Then you will speak for between 1-2 mins. Your ...