A pause of five seconds or more anywhere in your IELTS speaking test limits your fluency and coherence score to band four. 在雅思口语考试中的任何地方停顿 5 秒或更长时间都会将你的流利度和连贯性得分限制在四分。 During part two, when your preparation time is finished, you don't need to lis...
There is one thing you must do in the IELTS speaking test and it will improve your result dramatically, and it's probably not what you think.在雅思口语考试中,有一件事你必须做,它会显著提高你的成绩,但这件事可能不是你想的件。Hello, this is Keith from the Keith Speaking Academy, helping...
Preparation IELTS Listening test: Tips to avoid common mistakes 90s read Preparation 5 tips to practice your pronunciation in IELTS Speaking 5 mins read Preparation IELTS Reading test: how to manage your time? 30 mins read Preparation IELTS General Training, Writing Task 1: How to write a letter...
Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test lasts between 3 and 4 minutes (including 1 minute preparation time). The examiner gives you a task card and you have to speak about the subject without interruption for between 1 and 2 minutes. Example Task Example 1) Describe a place you have visited th...
Speaking tipsHow to prepare for the IELTS Speaking test, tips and techniques that helped test takers improve and raise their scoreSpeaking: What Exactly Happens on Test Day IELTS Preparation tips, Speaking tips Today we are delighted to share an article written especially for you by Jessica Beck...
1 Comment IELTS Preparation tips, Speaking tips, Writing tips I was fortunate to have met a very special person, a former IELTS examiner. He sent me an email and it was filled with GREAT tips, real insider information and, of course, I wasn’t going to keep all of that to myself :...
Nervous about the IELTS Speaking test? You’re not alone! Many test-takers find this section challenging, but with the right IELTS Preparation Tips, you can showcase your best English and impress the examiner. Let’s explore actionable tips to help you improve fluency, sound natural, and ...
What is the most important thing to focus on in order to get a band 8.5 in IELTS speaking? 要想在雅思口语考试中拿到 8.5 分,最重要的是什么? Let's find out. 让我们一探究竟。 Hello, this is Keith from the Keith Speaking Academy. 大家好,我是 Keith Speaking Academy 的基思。 I'm very...
Letter Writing Tips GT Task 1 Strategy IELTS Speaking Preparation Part 1 In part 1, you will be asked questions on familiar topics. Click below for lots of sample questions and answers. Part 1 Common Topics and Sample Answers Easy Ways to Extend Your Answers ...
IELTS Speaking preparation tips Linking words for IELTS Speaking IELTS Speaking recent actual test Sports Vocabulary IELTS Work Vocabulary IELTS Idioms for IELTS Speaking IELTS Pronunciation Guide Common English words in IELTS Speaking Ough words