If it's difficult for you to get through more than one sentence in twenty seconds, practise for speed, with a timer. 如果你很难在 20 秒内读完一个以上的句子的话,那就用计时器练习速度。 How much do you think the examiner will interrupt you in your IELTS speaking exam? 你认为考官会在你...
Now, come closer. Now, listen. Imagine that you've prepared for your IELTS speaking test for months, right? You've been preparing, you've had lessons, you've watched videos, you've done a mock test, you've got a speaking partner and you're ready to go.现在,靠近点。听着,想象一...
Hi, guys. Today, I'm gonna share with you my five best tips for IELTS speaking part one, and I will do this with five model answers. So, you can see how to use these tips, so you can improve your answers and get a higher score in the IELTS speaking test. Let's do it!嗨,伙...
IELTS Journal Target Band 7+ Tips for IELTS Speaking IELTS Journal Target Band 7+ Tips for IELTS Speaking IELTS Journal Target Band 7+ Tips for IELTS Speaking
101 Tips for the IELTS Speaking ModuleMark Griffiths
What is the most important thing to focus on in order to get a band 8.5 in IELTS speaking? 要想在雅思口语考试中拿到 8.5 分,最重要的是什么? Let's find out. 让我们一探究竟。 Hello, this is Keith from the Keith Speaking Academy. 大家好,我是 Keith Speaking Academy 的基思。 I'm very...
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Length of Answers Some people think that they must give only short answers in speaking part 1. Other people think you should expand all answers for all questions. Take a look at the answers below and then click on the advice tab to reveal advice about what is accep...
Listen very carefully to the questions so you are answering them correctly. For example, if you are asked about an event in the past, make sure you answer using the past tense. Be on Time These IELTS speaking tips will not be much use to you if you are not on time! You are going ...
Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test lasts between 4 and 5 minutes. The examiner will ask some simple 'getting-to-know-you' questions which will help the examiner find out a little about you and help put you at ease. These will be general questions such as about your family, your studies...
1. Learn how IELTS speaking is scored This only makes sense. IELTS speaking is scored according to strict grading criteria and if you want to impress the examiner, you need to know what the examiner wants! In brief, pronunciation, fluency and coherence, grammar and vocabulary all count for ...