The health and well-being of your team is priceless. That being said, as a small budding business, funds are usually tight. But there are many ways you can start implementing better mental health at your workplace right now — for free or at a very low cost: Encourage mental health ...
1. Approach employee mental health thoughtfully One reason mental health isn’t often broached at work is that employers just haven’t seen it as their responsibility or concern. They haven’t realized why employee well-being should be important to them. However, the s...
Instead, clock in on time and leave on time – make the most of your contracted hours and know when to call it a day. Drawing clear dividing lines between your personal and professional lives is an essential basis for an effective work-life balance and good mental health at work. By resp...
So, without further ado, here are some tips and tricks that may be beneficial to maintaining good mental health if you work in the creative industries (or even if you don’t, for that matter). 1. Re-define failure & success If you’re not failing, you’re not trying...
5) Start the work process gradually. Stress and pressure may have been triggers for your previous mental health crisis, so ease back into work this time, said Conroy. You can do this by setting reasonable limits at work between you and your boss. ...
Movement is a great segway to good mental health making it one of our 11 mental health tips for working from home. When you’re working in a physical office space with others, you probably walk to meetings, walk to others’ desks to ask questions, walk to the water cooler, maybe walk ...
These working from home tips offer a new perspective that will benefit your mental health and your produtivity so that you can work from home successfully.
Maintaining good mental health isn’t just important for your mood or emotional well-being. Researchers have established a connection between taking care of the mind and helping the body. “Many causes of mental health problems also have physical consequences, and mental illness worsens the prognosis...
MacDonald recommends the global standard –ISO 45003, Psychological Health and Safety at Workas a guide. There is a lot of information but it gives organizations and workplace leaders a good resource to guide their efforts. “When an organization successfully supports its employee mental health and...
Allow yourself to take a mental health day every now and then, even if that translates to a couch day. And most importantly – DON’T feel guilty about it! There is no ‘one size fits all’ or ‘one solution fits all’. What helps one person may not work for you. So keep trying...