网络定时器捕获 网络释义 1. 定时器捕获 定时器捕... ... ) electronic catcher detector 电子捕获鉴定器 )timer capture定时器捕获) capture based on time 定时捕获 ...|基于 1 个网页
Enhanced Capture Timer Module 称为增强型定时器模块 ; 增强型定时器模块 有道翻译 timer capture 定时器捕获 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译。双语例句 You can set the timer to capture any area of your screen at whatever time you decide as you manipulate the timer to benefit you....
Timer_A_Capture /***第二部分捕获模式***/ //简介:捕获功能适用于测频率、侧周期、测占空比、测脉宽、门控计数等 /*2,"Timer_A定时器捕获模块的寄存器和原理"的具体用法和介绍:(结构图见USE'sFamily) TACTL寄存器: |15|14|13|12|11|10|9|8| |CMx(rw)|CCISx(rw)|SCS(rw)|SCCI(r)|Unused...
Output the capture compare register value of the selected timer module and channel when configured in input mode. Specify the length of data to be read from the capture compare register in Capture data length. For data length greater than 1, DMA must be added for the selected timer module an...
外部捕获触发(capture trig)置位1时,计数器加载 load regieter,根据TCSR寄存器的递增递减标志 UDT 相应计数,同时中断标志TINT置位1,捕获模式标定时间同时产生一个中断。 3 PWM模式 用于产生PWM波形,计数器0产生脉宽周期,计数器产生占空比,两者共同产生PWM。
Period = Capture(1) / (TIMx_CLK * (PSC+1) * (ICxPSC) * polarity_index(2)) capture diff of CCRx_tn and CCRx_tn+1 is: if CCRx_tn < CCRx_tn+1: capture = CCRx_tn+1 - CCRx_tn else: capture = (ARR_max - CCRx_tn) + CCRx_tn+1 To facilitate input capture - we...
库函数例程位置: STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.3.0\Project\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples\TIM\InputCapture 在输入捕获模式下,当检测到ICx信号上相应的边沿后,计数器的当前值被锁存到捕获/比较寄存器(TIMx_CCRx)中。当捕获事件发生时,相应的CCxIF标志(TIMx_SR寄存器)被置’1’,如果使能了中断或者DMA操作,则...
When the reset occurs, an “update event” is generated. This update event may be tied to TRGO, or in more complex timers with capture/compare channels it may have additional effects (described below). Similarly, in “Down” mode, the counter decrements from 3 to 0 and then is reset to...
EDK IP - XPS Timer/Counter - Capture Mod 在用XPS Timer/Counter模块检测一个外部信号检测时,发现Timer这个IP Core的Datasheet写的不是很清楚。以下对其中的比较模糊的地方梳理一下。 1. 运行在哪个模式下 - Compare(Generate) 还是 Capture。在 TCSR0 的 MDT0 中配置。
The difference capture circuit may be incorporated into standard timer unit circuitry and is designed to calculate the difference between either the rise and fall times for an incoming signal, or the rise to rise time of that signal. Adding the difference capture circuit to a timing unit ...