Configure output mode: select output compare mode: timing/active/inactive/toggle if not timing - in CCER reg - select polarity by writing CCxP disable preload for CCx - in CCMRx reg - write OCxPE enable capture/compare - in CCMRx - write CCxE Enable counter: in TIMx_CR1 reg - set...
I have tried all three methods to access specific timer but every time these functions return NULL pointer indicating that I didn't get access to a specific timer. My question is how to initialize and access a Particular DMTimer in input capture mode. I am open using any method as ... 器件型号:CC1310 大家好、 客户正在使用 CC1310 GPTimer、他有一些问题: 1:我当前配置为边沿时间捕获模式、因此该预分频器必...
I am using the msp430g2452 and I useIAR As I have tried the program to capture input in the port 1.1. I am trying to use the CCI0A as the capture input to the timer. But the program does not get into the ISR what so ever. I can read theCCI and CCIE bit as 1of the register...
每次capturen task被触发,计数值都会被复制到CCPn寄存器every time the CAPTUREn task is triggered the Counter value is copied to the CCn register.任务的优先权(Task priority):当START task and the STOP task同时来到的时候,STOP task优先任务延时(Task delays):CLEAR task, 5、 COUNT task and the STOP...
Advanced 16-bit timer with precision PWM support and capture/compare capabilities. More... Data Structures struct _Timer_A_ContinuousModeConfig Type definition for _Timer_A_ContinuousModeConfig structure. More... struct _Timer_A_UpModeConfig Type definition for _Timer_A_UpMode...
", TIM5CH1_CAPTURE_VAL);//>>打印脉冲计数 } } 该main函数是在PWM实验的基础上修改来的,我们保留了PWM输出,同时通过设置TIM5_Cap_Init(0XFFFFFFFF,84-1),将TIM5_CH1的捕获计数器设计为1us计数一次,并设置重装载值为最大以达到不让定时器溢出的作用(溢出时间为2^32-1us),所以我们的捕获时间精度为1us...
TIM1_SelectSlaveMode(TIM1_SLAVEMODE_RESET);/* Overflow interrupt ; Capture1 interrupt enabled */...
capture mode -> compare mode2425TA0CCR0 =62550-1;26TA0CCTL0 = CCIE;//enable compare interrupt27TA0CTL = TASSEL_2 + ID_3 + MC_1 +TACLR;28//input clock: SMCLK/8 -> 125kHz;29//timer overflow freq: 125k/(TA0CCR0+1) -> 2Hz30//clear and start the timer, up mode3132__...
/* TIMER1 configuration: input capture mode --- the external signal is connected to TIMER0 CH1 ...