With this modest additional hardware, an output can be generatedwhenever the count register reaches a specific value or the counter register can be captured when a specific input event occurs (possibly a prescaled input clock). An important use of counter channels is the generation of precisely t...
41、pture_Selection 所标识宏代码清单/* defgroup TIMER_Input_Capture_Selection* */#define TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI #define TIMER_IC_SELECTION_INDIRECTTI #define TIMER_IC_SELECTION_TRC(uint16_t)0x0001)(uint16_t)0x0002)(uint16_t)0x0003)TIMER_ICSelection 的配置具体可参考表 所示。表...
timer_input_capture_config(TIMER1, TIMER_CH_0, &timer_icinitpara);/* slave mode selection : ...
GD32F103只有三个定时器,一个高级Timer0,两个通用Timer1、2 计数模式 向上,向下,中央对齐。其中...
for example i want to use TIM0Ch1 as input caputure to get the pwm signal . step1, i config the register of timer0 " void initTIM(void) { TIM0TIOS_IOS1 = 0; // Input Capture/Output Compare Channel3 Configuration//Input TIM0TIE_C1I = 1; // Input Capture/Output...
I'm trying to measure the frequency of a PWM signal ( 600 Hz) with the Input Capture functionality with an STM32F103. I do these steps:Configure the Tim4 as Input Capture. Timer Clock 64 MHz; Prescaler = 0; Period = 65535.
uint16_t icselection; /*!< channel input mode selection */ uint16_t icprescaler; /*!< channel input capture prescaler */ uint16_t icfilter; /*!< channel input capture filter control */ }timer_ic_parameter_struct; 我们的配置代码是: ...
uint16_t TIMER_ICPrescal 输入捕获预分频 TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1 er 器 uint16_t TIMER_ICFilter 输入捕获滤波器 0x0 其中, TIMER_ICInitPara- TIMER_ICSelection 表示输入源选择,具体取值可从 TIMER_Input_Capture_Selection 所标识的宏定义中获取,TIMER_Input_Capture_Selection 所标识宏定义如代码清单 ...
T2I(Timer 2 input selection)輸入選擇=[1:1]:輸入頻率由Gate產生,pin T2為致能引腳. pin T2=1,致能gated mode. pin T2=0,禁能gated mode. Reload of Timer 2 (Timer 2的重載模式) 重載模式有以下兩種: Mode 0: 每當Timer 2的TH2/TL2溢位,TH2/TL2即會由CRCH/CRCL自動重載(自動重載模式) ...
uint16_t TIMER_ICPrescal 输入捕获预分频 TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1 er 器 uint16_t TIMER_ICFilter 输入捕获滤波器 0x0 其中,TIMER_ICInitPara- TIMER_ICSelection 表示输入源选择,具体取值可从 TIMER_Input_Capture_Selection 所标识的宏定义中获取,TIMER_Input_Capture_Selection 所标 识宏定义如代码清单5.2.3.2 ...