Num_OvEvent++; } } } /* Capture compare 1 event */ if(__HAL_TIM_GET_FLAG(htim, TIM_FLAG_CC1) != RESET) { __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC1); if (Measure_State == 0x01) { Front_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent; Measure_State =0x02; } } /* Capture compare 2 event */...
/* Capture compare 1 event */if(__HAL_TIM_GET_FLAG(htim, TIM_FLAG_CC1) != RESET) { __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC1); if (Measure_State == 0x01) { Front_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent; Measure_State =0x02; } }
/ *溢出中断;启用Capture1中断* / TIM1_ITConfig(TIM1_IT_UPDATE | TIM1_IT_CC1,ENABLE);/ *...
比较:每个捕获比较寄存器(CC[0..3])都可以产生一个COMPARE event.当某个计数值计到与capture compare register CC[n]中的值相等时,就会产生一个COMPARE[n] event,这两个n是对应着的。 捕获:每个capture/compare register都可以执行一个capture task。每次capture[n] task被触发,计数值都会被复制到CCP[n]寄存器...
TIMER_A_CLOCKSOURCE_DIVIDER_1, 32000, TIMER_A_CAPTURECOMPARE_REGISTER_1, TIMER_A_OUTPUTMODE_RESET_SET, 3200 }; The next snippet of code is used to actually configure the PWM signal: /* Setting MCLK to REFO at 128Khz for LF mode * Setting SMCLK to 64Khz */ MAP_...
GD32 MCU 外设固件库使用手册——基于《GD32F10x_Firmware_Library_V1.0.0》固件库目录 目录 1 一、 USART 模块 1 4.1 USART 寄存器 1 4.2 USART 模块初始化结构体类型 USART_InitPara 1 4.3 USART 模块库函数 4 4.4 应用实例 4 二、 Timer 定时器模块 6 5.1 Timer 定时器寄存器 6 5.2 Timer 定时器...
4、COMPAREn event,这两个n 是对应着的。捕获:每个capture/compare register都可以执行一个 capture task。每次capturen task被触发,计数值都会被复制到CCPn寄存器every time the CAPTUREn task is triggered the Counter value is copied to the CCn register.任务的优先权(Task priority):当START task and the ...
1. 运行在哪个模式下 - Compare(Generate) 还是 Capture。在 TCSR0 的 MDT0 中配置。 2. Capture 上升沿还是下降沿,由Generic C_TRIG0_ASSERT 控制。1为上升沿,0为下降沿。Datasheet中叫做 high-true 和 low-true 让人以为是高低电平。查看源代码发现原来是做了Edge比较的。
Transfer complete event of the DMA configured for selected timer and channel - If length of capture compare data to be read is greater than 1. This ensures block outputs data once DMA has read the specified length of data from capture compare register and transfer complete event Interrupt is ...
This update event may be tied to TRGO, or in more complex timers with capture/compare channels it may have additional effects (described below). Similarly, in “Down” mode, the counter decrements from 3 to 0 and then is reset to 3 (ARR). ...