Front_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent; Measure_State =0x02; } } /* Capture compare 2 event */ if(__HAL_TIM_GET_FLAG(htim, TIM_FLAG_CC2) != RESET) { __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC2); if(Measure_State == 0x02) { Measure_State =0x03; Total_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent;...
timer4.refresh();//capture compare regs TIMx_CCRx used to hold val after a transition on corresponding ICx//when cap occurs, flag CCXIF (TIMx_SR register) is set,//and interrupt, or dma req can be sent if they are enabled.//if cap occurs while flag is already high CCxOF (overcapt...
這個範例,採用TIMER 1 CC4作為ADC觸發訊號來示範。在STM32CubeMX中,首先對ADC做設置如下。先任意新增一個ADC IN通道。新增一個和ADC連結的DMA通道。設置ADC設定,打開DMA Continuous Requests。依據線路,適當的更改Sampling Time,外部觸發來源更改為Timer 1 Capture Compare 4 event,觸發緣改為上升下降緣皆可觸發。到...
/ *溢出中断;启用Capture1中断* / TIM1_ITConfig(TIM1_IT_UPDATE | TIM1_IT_CC1,ENABLE);/ *...
Event generation register. __io uint32 CCMR1 Capture/compare mode register 1. __io uint32 CCMR2 Capture/compare mode register 2. __io uint32 CCER Capture/compare enable register. __io uint32 CNT Counter. __io uint32 PSC Prescaler. __io uint32 ARR Auto-reload register. const...
Ensure that the interrupt for the capture compare event is configured inConfiguration Parameters>timers>show TIM#>Configurations Transfer complete event of the DMA configured for selected timer and channel- If length of capture compare data to be read is greater than1. This ensures block outputs dat...
Advanced 16-bit timer with precision PWM support and capture/compare capabilities. More... Data Structures struct _Timer_A_ContinuousModeConfig Type definition for _Timer_A_ContinuousModeConfig structure. More... struct _Timer_A_UpModeConfig Type definition for _Timer_A_UpMo...
网络释义 1. 定时器模块 finder 继电器:产品中心... ... Panel thermostats 小组恒温器Timer module定时器模块...|基于17个网页 2. 内建定时器模组 ...4Bytes Data EEPROM、七个I/O、内建定时器模组(Timer Module),可有Capture、Compare、Timer/Event、Single Pulse O… ...
B2G—Break generation 2 event scalar COMG—Capture compare control update generation scalar Output expand all CNT—Current timer counter value scalar Dir—Timer counter direction output scalar MOE status—Status of main output enable bit scalar ...
4、COMPAREn event,这两个n 是对应着的。捕获:每个capture/compare register都可以执行一个 capture task。每次capturen task被触发,计数值都会被复制到CCPn寄存器every time the CAPTUREn task is triggered the Counter value is copied to the CCn register.任务的优先权(Task priority):当START task and the ...