/* Capture compare 2 event */if(__HAL_TIM_GET_FLAG(htim, TIM_FLAG_CC2) != RESET){ __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC2);if(Measure_State == 0x02) { Measure_State =0x03; Total_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent; HAL_TIM4_IC_CaptureCallback(htim); //go to calculate pulse ...
Front_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent; Measure_State =0x02; } } /* Capture compare 2 event */ if(__HAL_TIM_GET_FLAG(htim, TIM_FLAG_CC2) != RESET) { __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC2); if(Measure_State == 0x02) { Measure_State =0x03; Total_Num_OvEvent = Num_OvEvent;...
Timer2功能使用方法 1 適用產品:SM59R16A2/SM59R08A2 2 Timer2使用概述: 2.1不僅是一個16-bittimer,更擁有四通道的比較模式(compare)、捕捉模式(capture)及重載 模式(reloadfunctions).類似PCA(programmablecounterarray)功能. 2.2Timer2有三種操作模式: ...
/ *溢出中断;启用Capture1中断* / TIM1_ITConfig(TIM1_IT_UPDATE | TIM1_IT_CC1,ENABLE);/ *...
2. 内建定时器模组 ...4Bytes Data EEPROM、七个I/O、内建定时器模组(Timer Module),可有Capture、Compare、Timer/Event、Single Pulse O… www.mem.com.tw|基于2个网页 3. 计时模组 ... HT68F60与HT66F60系列皆内建全新设计计时模组(Timer Module),可有Capture、Compare、Timer/Event、Single Pulse O…...
Advanced 16-bit timer with precision PWM support and capture/compare capabilities. More... Data Structures struct _Timer_A_ContinuousModeConfig Type definition for _Timer_A_ContinuousModeConfig structure. More... struct _Timer_A_UpModeConfig Type definition for _Timer_A_UpMo...
If I set the capture compare register (TA0CCR0) to a value it seems that the Timer A count needs to completely wrap around (count from 0 to 0xFFFF) before I get the first CCR0 interrupt. The first interrupt takes about 15 seconds to occur (65536 / 4096 = 16). What could be caus...
Ensure that the interrupt for the capture compare event is configured inConfiguration Parameters>timers>show TIM#>Configurations Transfer complete event of the DMA configured for selected timer and channel- If length of capture compare data to be read is greater than1. This ensures block outputs dat...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F1611 Hi, Can any one paste some examples on Timer_A capture and compare modules
Base is event generation register. TIMER_DMA_BASE_CCMR1 = TIMER_DCR_DBA_CCMR1 - Base is capture/compare mode register 1. TIMER_DMA_BASE_CCMR2 = TIMER_DCR_DBA_CCMR2 - Base is capture/compare mode register 2. TIMER_DMA_BASE_CCER = TIMER_DCR_DBA_CCER - Base is capture/compar...