Extremely cold atoms that perpetually move in repeating patterns could be a promising building block for quantum computers
Researchers in Australia have created the largest time crystal to date, using 57 qubits on an openly accessibleIBM quantum computerto construct an exotic phase of matter with properties that repeat over time, rather than in space. The result emphasizes the utility of quantum computers for simulating...
Scientists at Aalto University in Finland recentlypublishedresearch indicating “time crystals” may hold the key to creating a quantum computer that doesn’t require near perfect-zero temperatures to operate. There’s a reason you might not have heard of time crystals: they’re a wickedly difficul...
Using IBM’s quantum computer we were able to achieve precisely that, turning it into an experimental simulator to create a novel state of matter, just as envisioned by Feynman. This machine is located in America but can be accessed remotely by researchers around the globe. Being able to acce...
Scientists say they've placed an elusive time crystal inside a quantum computer. Time crystals violate some laws of physics—notably, Isaac Newton's first law of motion—in much the same way that many quantum phenomena do. Quantum computers are built in supercooled chambers called cryostats. Sci...
QUANTUM computersPHASES of matterCRYSTALSCRYSTAL structureITERATIVE learning controlThe engineering of new states of matter through Floquet driving has revolutionized the field of condensed matter physics. This technique enables the creation of hybrid topological states and ordered phases that a...
Scientists at the University of Melbourne have created the largest time crystal to date by programming one into a simulation in a quantum computer with 57 qubits—the quantum equivalent of a binary bit in a regular computer. That represents an improvement of nearly a factor of three over the ...
You could just sit and watch your crystal hum away until the eventual heat death of the Universe, of course. Or you could let aquantum computercarry out the job for you. "The big picture is that we are taking the devices that are meant to be thequantum computersof the future ...
Time-crystalline eigenstate order on a quantum processor. Nature 601, 531–536 (2022). Article ADS Google Scholar Frey, P. & Rachel, S. Realization of a discrete time crystal on 57 qubits of a quantum computer. Sci. Adv. 8, eabm7652 (2022). Article Google Scholar Kyprianidis, A....
time crystal (DTC)7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. Concretely, dynamical phases can be defined in periodically driven many-body-localized (MBL) systems via the concept of eigenstate order7,16,17. In eigenstate-ordered MBL phases, the entire many-body spectrum exhibits quantum correlations and long-...