High speed chemical and biological interactions, i.e. attosecond scale, should show effects of time dispersion. For instance, if molecules can sense into the future, it may affect their ability to find optimal configurations. There are potential applications for quantum communication and quantum comp...
Timemagazine’s“TheCentury’sGreatestMinds”ratedTuringup therewithEinstein.InTheEssentialTuring,ProfessorB.JackCopeland, theDirectoroftheTuringArchivefortheHistoryofComputingand arenownedTuringscholar,deliversasophisticated,compelling,and philosophicallycompetentaccountfortherolethatAlanMathison Turinghasbeenplayinginth...
Wednesday, Late City , Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 1, Column 1; Financial Desk, Byline: By STUART DIAMOND https://www.ebay.com/itm/335702730148 https://archive.org/details/pcjr-magazine-1984-volume-1/PCjr%20Magazine%20-%20198410%20-%20Volume%201%20Number%209/page/58/mode...
This would be, Quanta Magazine reports, the first fully successful demonstration of a time crystal. That's a pretty big deal, considering how difficult quantum computers are to build and maintain. In large part, that's because qubits are unstable, acting differently when they're under observatio...
- CIO Magazine Interview, Dr. Yogesh Malhotra. “The very essence of what various IT systems can do in the context of KM begins and ends with people and processes. In absence of motivation and commitment on the part of the users, such systems cannot function.” - CIO Insight Interview, ...
- CIO Magazine Interview, Dr. Yogesh Malhotra. “Obsolete what you know before others obsolete it and profit by creating the challenges and opportunities others haven't even thought about...” - Inc. Magazine Interview, Dr. Yogesh Malhotra. “Yogesh Malhotra says his vision is to fill the ga...
If Google’s actually created time-crystals, it could accelerate the timeline for quantum computing breakthroughs from “maybe never” to “maybe within a few decades.” At the far-fetched, super-optimistic end of things – we could see the creation ofa working warp drivein our lifetimes. Imag...
Quantum Computing Quantum Annealing Quantum Cryptography Neuromorphic Computing Cognitive Computing Model Risk Management Model Risk Arbitrage™ Research Papers & Presentations BUILD Digital Transformation BUILD Digital Enterprises How To Build AI Startup Knowledge Management Business Models Business Innovation Vi...
- CIO Magazine Interview, Dr. Yogesh Malhotra. “The very essence of what various IT systems can do in the context of KM begins and ends with people and processes. In absence of motivation and commitment on the part of the users, such systems cannot function.” - CIO Insight Interview, ...
- CIO Magazine Interview, Dr. Yogesh Malhotra. “The very essence of what various IT systems can do in the context of KM begins and ends with people and processes. In absence of motivation and commitment on the part of the users, such systems cannot function.” - CIO Insight Interview, ...