DYNAMICSSYSTEMSDRIVENQUTIPWe explore the boundary time-crystal transition at the level of quantum trajectories which result from continuous monitoring. This Letter is motivated by recent experiments [G. Ferioli, A. Glicenstein, I. Ferrier-Barbut, and A. Browaeys, Nat. Phys. 19, 1345 (2023)]...
As an illustration, assume that a single parameter to be identified x is encoded in the dynamics of a quantum system Φx. A probe state ρ0 is prepared and it evolves to ρx under the dynamics Φx which can be denoted as (2)ρ0Φx→ρx. The measurement is described by POVM over...
Understanding the collective quantum dynamics of non-equilibrium many-body systems is an outstanding challenge in quantum science. In particular, dynamics driven by quantum fluctuations are important for the formation of exotic quantum phases of matter1, fundamental high-energy processes2, quantum metrolog...
First, the use of a tuneable source of heralded single photons, i.e., spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) in nonlinear crystals, must be ruled out. This kind of source would imply a heralded measurement that ensures that the propagation of single photons is measured, resulting in a...
The derivation of a free energy is straightforward following critical dynamics, whether or not dissipative [50], but in which an oscillatory behaviour is added. Furthermore, Feynman paths integrals in space-time are constructed as projected Kac integrals, that is over \(\mathbb {R}\) without ...
Suppressing the loss of ultracold molecules via the continuous quantum Zeno effect. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 070404 (2014). Article ADS Google Scholar Chen, T. et al. Quantum Zeno effects across a parity-time symmetry breaking transition in atomic momentum space. NPJ Quantum Inf. https://doi...
The rapid growth of the nanotechnology industry and the wide application of various nanomaterials have raised concerns over their impact on the environment and human health. Yet little is known about the mechanism of cellular uptake and cytotoxicity of n
By adiabatically manipulating the Rabi frequency of the drive field, the quantum discord (QD) has been used to analyze the quantum correlation for two atoms of the ensemble under the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) mechanism. It is shown that, the quantum correlation of two atoms de...
Universal quantum computers are potentially an ideal setting for simulating many-body quantum dynamics that is out of reach for classical digital computers. We use state-of-the-art IBM quantum computers to study paradigmatic examples of condensed matter
The energy levels become discrete, resembling the rungs of a ladder rather than a continuous slope. The bandgap of a material is the energy difference between the highest energy electron in the valence band and the lowest energy electron in the conduction band. In bulk materials, the bandgap ...