It not only overcomes the computational complexity, training inefficiency, and difficulty of the practical application of RNN but also avoids the problem of locally optimal solutions. ESN mimics the structure of recursively connected neuron circuits in the brain and consists of an input layer, an ...
The two main structures for storing a static graph are the adjacency matrix and the adjacency list. For a network ofnnodes, an adjacency matrix requiresO(n2)space complexity and is thus generally used only for small networks. Adjacency lists are typically used instead in many network analysis li...
(2022). Pyraformer: Low-Complexity Pyramidal Attention for Long-Range Time Series Modeling and Forecasting. ICLR 2022. ↩ Zhang, X., Zeman, M., Tsiligkaridis, T., & Zitnik, M. (2022). Graph-Guided Network for Irregularly Sampled Multivariate Time Series. ICLR 2022. ↩ Zhou, T., ...
We give a brief overview of SAT problems and describe how clone theory can be used for studying time complexity in Section 1.1. Given this approach, there are two kinds of reductions (CV- and LV-reductions) that are natural to study. We discuss these reductions and applications of them in...
Since the complexity of the underground environment, there is electromagnetic interference, high temperature, high humidity, mechanical vibration, and other unfavorable conditions, resulting in the physical precursor information of coal-rock interfered. It is difficult to capture all the characteristics of ...
In the rest of this section, we have to represent the design effort and resources in terms of complexity involved in the generation of the RTL architecture. In the advanced validation process, the RTL description is mapped onto the XILINX bg560 library related to the VIRTEX 1000 family ...
With the ability to solve complex prediction problems, ML can be an effective method for crash prediction in work zone areas on freeways considering the complexity of the built environment and the dynamic changes in traffic, if data related to traffic and work zone information are available. This...
Time series analysis has proven to be a powerful method to characterize several phenomena in biology, neuroscience and economics, and to understand some of their underlying dynamical features. Several methods have been proposed for the analysis of multiv
We discuss the results of a universal multifractal (UM) analysis performed on the GROWIAN wind speed dataset. Within this framework the wind speed can be reproduced, including the extremes, at all scales using just three parameters: α, C
It is well-known that each new video coding standard significantly increases in computational complexity with respect to previous standards, and this is particularly true for the HEVC and VVC video coding standards. The development of techniques for reducing the required complexity without affecting the...