Learn how to build Best Chart to Show Trends Over Time. It will help you to discover trends and patterns in your business data.
Big data has a substantial role nowadays, and its importance has significantly increased over the last decade. Big data’s biggest advantages are providing knowledge, supporting the decision-making process, and improving the use of resources, services, a
This flow chart gives the detail about the complete streaming process procedures. As data keep comming, the Spark Stream process the comming data in small batches for each interval window. In our implementation, we use sliding window to process data in each interval. The reason is that we need...
Due to the nature of time series data, and when exploring the dataset, the type of analysis it is different from when the dataset records are considered to be all independent. The complexity of the analysis grow with the addition of more than one entity within the same dataset. In this bl...
The chart's structure is very similar to that of a typical scatterplot. The horizontal axis visualizes a selected time frame by dates. The vertical axis represents the cycle time of the completed work items during this period, calculated in days. Each dot that you see scattered across the ...
Structure of BottleneckCSP model. Full size image The principal advantage of the BottleneckCSP architecture lies in its ability to reduce computational complexity while maintaining a rich flow of information. This technique enhances the reusability of features, consequently improving the model's representat...
Using SNARKs to reduce multilinearity level for witness encryption The size of the ciphertext and the running time for encryption and decryption is linear in terms of the size of witness. Usually the linear complexity is very natural and efficient. Unfortunately, this is not good enough for wit...
The application of such process in the domain of medicine has a series of implications and difficulties, especially regarding the application of data mining techniques to data, mainly time series, gathered from medical examinations of patients. The goal of this paper is to describe the lessons ...
either by deciding if you really want to take the effort to max it out or to see if you can use it for a certain challenge, boss car, or in the Elite Licence. I have here a chart that will show you not only the best times for a certain car, it will also show you which ...
Neural networks can extrapolate but given their complexity I decided to fall back to my bread-and-butter: the humble GLM. Although simple, GLM have a lot going for them. Even more so given our specific requirements: GLM are widely used and understood. Their familiarity means that they are ...