In some of these cases, the fundamental rules of behavior are well understood, but it can still be difficult to account for everything that can happen due to the complexity of the equations (meteorology, quantum chemistry, plasma physics). In other cases, not all of the predictive variables ...
Data processing is increasingly becoming the subject of various policies and regulations, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) th
This makes partially-observed time series (POTS) a pervasive problem in open-world modeling and prevents advanced data analysis. Although this problem is important, the area of machine learning on POTS still lacks a dedicated toolkit. PyPOTS is created to fill in this blank....
Just-in-Time Production is a manufacturing philosophy that aims to reduce waste and unnecessary storage by producing goods only when needed, in the right amount and at the right time. AI generated definition based on:Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2009 ...
The use of octree technology greatly reduces the computational complexity and improves the efficiency of the program. The other is to process the entire space in parallel. More specifically, multiple edges and flow points can be compared at the same time to further improve the computational ...
Despite recent advances, the field still encounters major challenges, such as the complexity of behavior deconstruction and the high specificity of the existing solutions4,5. In this study we aim to provide a generalized tool that can be used broadly for a variety of data and coupled with ...
The complexity of this model arises from the fact that the value of the parameter pi,t is not known a priori, as it depends on the actual state of the system at previous time t − 1. Equipped with a random number generator, one can obtain all the generations one by one according...
Firstly, the design of small peptides that mimic proteins in complexity, but are sufficiently small to allow detailed simulation studies [1–4]. Secondly, the development of fast (nanosecond) time-resolved spectroscopy methods to study peptide folding dynamics on the same timescale as computer...
Definition 2 Maximal unique match A maximal unique match (MUM) of two strings X1 and X2 is a string S that satisfies the following two properties: (i) S appears uniquely in each string X1 and X2, and (ii) there does not exist a left or right extension of S in X1 that appears in...
In the rest of this section, we have to represent the design effort and resources in terms of complexity involved in the generation of the RTL architecture. In the advanced validation process, the RTL description is mapped onto the XILINX bg560 library related to the VIRTEX 1000 family ...