【摘要】目的:探索应变弹性成像(strain elastography,SE)与剪切波弹性成像(shear-wave elastography,SWE)对最大径≤1 cm的甲状腺影像报告和数据系统(Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System,TI-RADS)4类甲状腺结节的鉴别诊断价值...
Much less collateral damage to normal tissue – equivalent to a 20 to 30% dose discount A holy grail of cancer therapy TibaRay’s unique eXactFLASHTM technology delivers highly conformal 3D dose sculpting with unparalleled FLASH speedPowered by Revolutionary Inventions An entirely new class of linea...
尽管“治疗指数”更标准的英文表达是Therapeutic Index (TI),但这个缩写并不如其他药理学术语那样广为人知。 组织抑制(Tissue Inhibition):在某些特定的研究或实验环境中,TI可能指某种物质对组织生长的抑制作用。然而,这个解释较为少见,且需要具体上下文来确认。 靶标抑制(Target Inhibition):在药物研发过程中,TI有时...
They have elongate, compressed bodies; an extremely long anal fin; and electrogenic tissue usually derived from modified muscle cells. Their electrical output is constant at high frequencies, whereas the osteoglossomorph mormyrids produce a pulsed, low-frequency output. Both groups detect objects that...
Published URL: https://medicineinsights.info/index.php/cmi/article/view/142 Download PDF clickhere. In-Vitro results of EG-Covimab-H (Lab cultivated Human polyclonal antibodies) for neutralizing SARSCoV-2 Virus & safety on tissues. Research Article ...
The number of brick-red plaques in the cortex and hippocampus was quantified in brain tissue (Fig. 4A). Notably, no brick-red plaques were observed in either the cortex or hippocampus of the WT group, while they were more prevalent in the cortex and hippocampus of APP/PS1 group compared ...
imaging results of 263 thyroid nodules in 251 patients who underwent conventional ultrasound, SE and SWE before surgery were retrospectively analyzed, and the pathological results of surgical resection or fine-needle aspiration biopsy were the gold standard. On the SE image, the thyroid tissue ...
Given the extent of tissue loss and the concern for potential amputation, left lower extremity arteriography was performed. Initial angiography revealed no aortoiliac or femoropopliteal disease. There was extensive tibial disease, with single-vessel runoff patent via the peroneal artery. Both the ...
The alteration of A10398G in plasma exosome and in tissue correlated with each other (correlation coefficient 0.69; p = 0.009). However, this alteration was not related to age, gender, smoking, alcohol drinks status, tumor size, histological stage and TNM stage. Keywords A10398G alteration, ...
Index of /crates.io-index/ti/ss/ File NameFile SizeDate Parent directory/-- tissue497.0 B2024-11-28 10:58 tissuebox3.4 KB2024-11-28 10:58 域名使用规则 公网访问地址:https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ ECS VPC网络访问地址:http://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/...