【摘要】目的:探索应变弹性成像(strain elastography,SE)与剪切波弹性成像(shear-wave elastography,SWE)对最大径≤1 cm的甲状腺影像报告和数据系统(Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System,TI-RADS)4类甲状腺结节的鉴别诊断价值...
声触诊组织成像量化(virtual touch tissue imaging quantification,VTIQ)技术为最近推出的弹性定量技术,以剪切波速度(shear wave velocity,SWV)大小反映组织的绝对硬度。本研究采用VTIQ技术测量并比较了185例患者共192个TI-RADS 4类结节SWV的大小差异,利用ROC曲线寻找最佳诊断界值,旨在探讨VTIQ在鉴别此类结节良恶性中的...
尽管“治疗指数”更标准的英文表达是Therapeutic Index (TI),但这个缩写并不如其他药理学术语那样广为人知。 组织抑制(Tissue Inhibition):在某些特定的研究或实验环境中,TI可能指某种物质对组织生长的抑制作用。然而,这个解释较为少见,且需要具体上下文来确认。 靶标抑制(Target Inhibition):在药物研发过程中,TI有时...
[Formula: see text]1/Smad signaling pathway, in hepatic stellate LX2 cell line and Sprague–Dawley rats. The mRNA or protein levels of miR-21, Smad7, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), [Formula: see text]-smooth muscle actin ([Formula: see text]-SMA), tissue inhibitor of ...
All surgical instruments are manufactured using the highest quality titanium alloy, it is lightweight, high-strength, non-magnetic, non-corrosive, can be sterilized by all known techniques and well tolerated by tissue. Our company have built the completely quality system, we have obtained the quali...
They have elongate, compressed bodies; an extremely long anal fin; and electrogenic tissue usually derived from modified muscle cells. Their electrical output is constant at high frequencies, whereas the osteoglossomorph mormyrids produce a pulsed, low-frequency output. Both groups detect objects that...
Published URL: https://medicineinsights.info/index.php/cmi/article/view/142 Download PDF clickhere. In-Vitro results of EG-Covimab-H (Lab cultivated Human polyclonal antibodies) for neutralizing SARSCoV-2 Virus & safety on tissues. Research Article ...
To investigate the potential impact of (CS/SP)2-LP on Aβ deposition in AD mice, dense amyloid plaques were visualized using Congo red staining. The number of brick-red plaques in the cortex and hippocampus was quantified in brain tissue (Fig.4A). Notably, no brick-red plaques were observ...
and after 1 year, using the following parameters: peri-implant bone levels (PBLs), interproximal bone peaks (IBPs), pocket probing depth (PPD), bleeding on probing (BoP), plaque index (mPI), gingival index (mGI), keratinized tissue thickness/width (tKT and wKT), and fornix depth (FD)...
The number of brick-red plaques in the cortex and hippocampus was quantified in brain tissue (Fig. 4A). Notably, no brick-red plaques were observed in either the cortex or hippocampus of the WT group, while they were more prevalent in the cortex and hippocampus of APP/PS1 group compared ...