【摘要】目的:探讨超声甲状腺影像报告和数据系统(Thyroid Imaging Report and Data System,TI-RADS)、甲状腺细胞病理学Bethesda报告系统(The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology,BSRTC)与BRAF V600E突变分析在甲状腺良恶性结节...
表1 甲状腺结节的基本临床特征 Tab.1 Baseline clinical data of patients with thyroid nodules 2.2 对比ACR TI-RADS和Kwak RI-RADS两种分级系统临床价值 2.2.1 ACR TI-RADS和Kwak TI-RADS各级中甲状腺结节恶性率的比较 根据甲状腺结节的ACR TI-RADS分级和Kwak TI-RADS分级进行了分类(表2)。其中ACR TI-RADS...
【Abstract】Objective:To explore the value of strain elastography (SE) and shear wave elastography (SWE) in the differential diagnosis of Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) 4 thyroid nodules with a ...
甲状腺影像报告和数据系统(Thyroid Imaging Report and Data System,TI-RADS)已广 泛应用于甲状腺结节分类.细针穿刺活检(fine- needle aspiration biopsy,FNAB)具有风险小, 诊断准确度高,技术易推广等优势.甲状腺细胞 病理学Bethesda报告系统(The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology,BSRTC) 能对大多数...
Conclusion: TI-RADS classification combined with serum TSH, TPOAb, TgAb detection can effectively differentiate the nature of thyroid nodules, and the combined detection has higher diagnostic efficacy.吕永燕杨增娣杨茹张可可童清平石莹Progress in Modern Biomedicine...
建立TI-RADS 4类甲状腺结节预测指数(predictive index of TI-RADS 4 type thyroid nodule,PI-TI-RADS 4)预测模型提示,0~1分为TI-RADS 4类甲状腺结节恶性低风险,2~3分为中风险,4分及以上为高风险.该模型内部验证ROC曲线面积为0.880[95%CI为(0.843,0.917),P<0.05],敏感度及特异度分别为84.7%,79.2%,具有...
Individual is a list of 19 integers corresponding to ACR TI-RADS features excluding cyctic and spongiform (which are not optimized) and anechoich and extra-thyroidal extension (which are not available) Individual是一个19个整数的列表,对应于ACR TI-RADS特征不包括环状和海绵状(未优化)和无回声和甲状...
恶性的鉴别价值。方法 选取行甲状腺常规超声和超声造影检查的患者1 28例C TIRADS4~5类结节135个,采用细针穿刺(FNA)活检分为良恶性结节,采用超声造影检查结果分析良恶性结节的超声造影特征(结节强化 方式、强化程度及周围有无环状增强等)及甲状腺结节实性部分的峰值强度(PIM)、周边...
[摘要] 目的:探索应变弹性成像(strain elastography ,SE )与剪切波弹性成像(shear-wave elastography ,SWE )对最大径≤1 cm 的甲状腺影像报告和数据系统(Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System ,TI-RADS )4类甲状腺结节的鉴别诊断价值。方法:回顾并分析251例患者的263个甲状腺结节的超声检查结果,...
The levels of TSH, TPOAb and TgAb in malignant group were higher than those in benign group (P1, TI-RADS classification ≥4, high TSH, high TPOAb and high TgAb levels were risk factors for thyroid malignant nodules (P<0.05). The ROC curve results showed that the combined detection of ...