soap_thread->wait();deletesoap_thread; }// Set server offline in realmlistLoginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags | %u WHERE id = '%d'", REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE, realmID);// when the main thread closes the singletons get unloaded// since worldrunnable uses them,...
第二种情况:thread_second首先获得同步锁对象,首先执行到Monitor.PulseAll(monster),因为程序中没有需要等待信号进入就绪状态的线程,所以这一句代码没有意义,当执行到 Monitor.Wait(monster, 1000),自动将自己流放到等待队列并在这里阻塞,1S 时间过后thread_second自动添加到就绪队列,线程thread_first获得monster对象锁,执...
C# Sleep,C Console.,TTC Waitone 摘要: resume action prior to locking. NET 3.5 there is the ManualResetEvent class. wait for all transfers to end - this is a blocking method If you call it in a separate thread, then you have to track fromthe original thread whether the Welcome to...
wait(_mutex, [this] { return !IsFull(); }); 两种写法效果是一样的,但是后者更简洁,条件变量会先检查判断式是否满足条件,如果满足条件则重新获取mutex,然后结束wait继续往下执行;如果不满足条件则释放mutex,然后将线程置为waiting状态继续等待。 这里需要注意的是,wait函数中会释放mutex,而lock_guard这时还...
and I want to wait for them all to finish before continuing. I've seen samples showing how to do this using Thread.Join, but those seem to conflict with the general recommendation to use the ThreadPool whenever possible rather than spinning up new threads. Is there a way to wait for ope...
{c.add(newObject());System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"---"+i);try{TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1);}catch(InterruptedException e){e.printStackTrace();}if(c.size()==5){// 通知监控大小线程,notify并不会释放锁lock.notify();try{// wait让出cpu,让监控大小线程执行lock.wait(...
cv.wait(lock); } int data = vec.back(); // 表示消费者消费的产品序号i vec.pop_back(); std::cout << "consumer消费产品:" << data << std::endl; /* 消费者消费完产品,通知等待在cv条件变量上的生产者线程, 可以开始生产产品了,然后释放锁mtx ...
方法SourceThreadCanWait 保存或释放流式处理线程。语法C++ 复制 virtual HRESULT SourceThreadCanWait( BOOL bCanWait ); 参数bCanWait 指示是否保留流式处理线程的布尔值。 如果 为TRUE,则在筛选器等待呈现下一个示例时阻止流式处理线程。 如果 为FALSE,则释放流式处理线程。
350183 Backtrace === 3 secant-mainnet 0x0000000103ffbb60 _ZN3std6thread4park17h97e9cc3f69426088E + 56 4 secant-mainnet 0x00000001041257ac _ZN17crossbeam_channel7context7Context10wait_until17h24479b21811c4873E.17578 + 1044 5 secant-mainnet 0x00000001041250f4 _ZN17crossbeam_channel7context7Cont...