System 1 : 无意识的、不太费脑力的快速、自动运行,即Fast thinking System 2: 系统2运行通常主动的,需要花费脑力的,处理复杂计算。也就是slow thinking 2. 当系统1无法处理复杂事物时,系统2会接管任务,并有绝对话语权一。system1 一次只能处理一件事,多任务玩不转。 3. 自控力由系统2负责,自控力需要消耗你...
Cognitive strain, whatever its source, mobilizes System 2, which is more likely to reject the intuitive answer suggested by System 1. 无论其来源如何,认知紧张都会调动系统2,也更可能否定系统1提出的直觉答案。 The Pleasure of Cognitive Ease 认知放松的乐趣 It appears to be a feature of System 1...
作者Daniel Kahneman认为,人的大脑通过两个体系进行思考,System 1 和 System 2。其中,System 1 可以自动运转,毫不费力;System 2 则用于进行复杂的精神活动,运行起来需要耗费很大的精力,而这个体系本身很懒惰不愿意主动出来揽事。 System 1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sens...
The labels of System 1 and System 2 are widely used in psychology, but I go further than most in this book, which you can read as a psychodrama with two characters. When we think of ourselves, we identify with System 2, the conscious,reasoning self that has beliefs, makes choices, and...
其实,这本书并不难读,尤其是看到最后的 “结语” 部分时,作者很 “上道” 的将他所要阐述的观点又汇总成三对关系:Two Fictitious Characters,Two Species,Two Selves.Two Fictitious Characters(System 1 & System 2)顾名思义,虚构的两个角色,指的是我们大脑的两种思维活动,而本书作者为了方便论述取名为系统 ...
诺贝尔经济学奖得主丹尼尔·卡内曼在《THINKING, FAST & SLOW》中向这个观点发起挑战:理性人的假设让经济学的扣子从一开始就系错了。作为认知学家,卡内曼发现人的思维活动可分为两类,一类是快思考(SYESTEM 1),一类是慢思考(SYESTEM 2)。System 1 is impulsive and intuitive; System 2 is cautious and capable...
52 07 云南 左丹蕾 人教版必修一Unit2 Traveling Around Section 1 Listening and Speaking 50:52 06 广东 林良达 北师大版必修二Unit5 Lesson3 Race to the Pole (阅读课) 45:03 04 河南 李琳 人教版高一 U5 Chinese Writing System Connecting the Past and the Present 43:21 03 新疆 张骏成 人教版...
系统思考 System Thinking 1.系统 2.动态行为 3.系统的结构 4.系统思考的要诀 5.系统基模.ppt,系統思考 System Thinking 1.系統(system) 1.1 什麼是“系統”? 舉例說明看看? 是否可以歸納出“系統”的共同特性? 系統的定義: 一群“元素”為了共同的“目的”而“一起運作” 1
System 1 and 2: The stubborn hero and his skeptical associate You could view System 1 as a stubborn hero, that does not think twice before acting. But, when push comes to shove, he is there to save the day. System 2 would, in its place, be his skeptical associate, not as fast or...