1系統思考SystemsThinking 五項修練與深度匯談 2 個人層次心智模型自我超越系統思考深度匯談 團體層次 團隊學習共同願景 餐廳裡的蜜蜂 3 瞎子摸象式的問題脏 4 猴子的實驗 實驗室中的猴子只知道依舊有行為模式行動,並不知道為什麼要那麼做。身為萬物之靈的人類,在自以為能夠理性思考的時候,是否真能跳出過去的...
SYSTEMIC THINKING (Your first-ever Business e-Coach): Systemic thinking is a simple thinking technique for gaining systemic insights into complex situations and problems. If you want different outcomes from a situation, you have to change the system that
For this reason, I created a helper type called TraceListener2, which makes it much easier to create custom listeners in common scenarios. I spent some time thinking about a more meaningful name, but settled on TraceListener2. This adheres to a guideline that will appear in an update of ...
I chose MSF for Agile Software Development), several tasks (work items) are automatically created on your behalf. This is done because in the MSF for Agile Software Development process certain tasks need to be accomplished.Figure 2shows an example of the...
The beating heart of innovation, applications are the direct expression of consumer demand and your presence. Apps have forced a whole new way of thinking on IT. The old rules no longer apply. It’s not on premises vs. cloud. It’s both. It’s massive scale a...
When thinking of theft, you might imagine the sneaky Pink Panther slipping in and stealing from you. While not every business sells jewels, every business does earn revenue. But how does one steal from a company in a way that isn’t immediately noticeable? Time theft. read more The Best ...
Chat Topic: Visual Studio Team System - Part 1 Date: Friday, April 27, 2007Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity*IntroductionsDavidKean_MS (Moderator): Welcome to the Visual Studio Team System chat! We hope you all have lots of questions because we're ready...
Coping with stale content: There are a few tricks to make the client re-request the resource, all of which revolved around changing the URL to trick the browser into thinking the resource is not cached. Use a version/revision number or date in the filename Use a version/revision number...
The first application shows how eye tracker information may contribute to teacher assessment of students' computational thinking in coding classes. In the second and third illustrations, we discuss the additional information provided by the eye-tracker to the teacher assessing the student's strategies ...
Coping with stale content: There are a few tricks to make the client re-request the resource, all of which revolved around changing the URL to trick the browser into thinking the resource is not cached. Use a version/revision number or date in the filename Use a version/revision number...