System 1 和 System 2 是心理学家丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)在其著作《快思慢想》(Thinking, Fast and Slow)中描述的两种思维模式。这两个系统代表我们大脑处理信息和做决策的不同方式。 System 1(系统…
人类思维的两种系统:快速思维(System 1)和慢速思维(System 2),以及这两种思维模式如何共同影响我们的判断和决策。 快速思维(System 1) 直觉和自动化: 这种思维方式快速、自动、经常是无意识的,类似于直觉。 情绪驱动: 它通常由情绪和“直觉”驱动,而非逻辑。 高效但易错: 虽然它能迅速作出判断,但也容易受到偏见...
来自Meta FAIR 的研究者探索一种将System 2蒸馏到System 1的方法。通过在未标记的数据上运行System 2方法来收集过滤的训练样本,然后使用额外的计算产生更高质量的输出。最后将这些蒸馏出来的训练数据用于训练System 1的LLM。 在两个流行的基准上评估这种方法提出的模型,即OASST2和MT-bench。OASST2 验证集包含273个...
两个版本的假设,naive system and sophiticated system naive system的回报函数在图3。 图3 naive系统的回报函数 其中π1∗是系统1的最有策略。这里需要注意的是图3中黄色的部分,里面也是使用的π1∗,也就是虽然整个系统是在系统1和系统2的共同作用下选择的动作,但是在计算认知损失的时候,都使用的是π1∗...
研究者开发的框架可以根据视频输入发现物体的动态和静态物理属性,进而推理时序物理事件以及预测未来视频帧。 人类感知和理解周围环境通常要借助于物理常识:直觉物理 (Intuitive Physics),这种常识的建立从婴儿时期就已开始,依托于对物体物理属性 (object-centric representation) 的探索和理解,比如物体的大小、形状、质量、材...
System 1 and 2 explains our brain's two ways of thinking: slow, rational & deliberate vs. fast, subconscious & error-prone (cognitive bias)
The problem is that, in fact, a lot of peoplehaven’tfully readThinking, Fast and Slow. It’s conclusions have become apocryphal: System 1 and System 2 are completely separable, System 1 measures what people are truly thinking, and System 2 is along for the ride. ...
Disinformation on social media—commonly called "fake news"—has become a major concern around the world, and many fact-checking initiatives have been launched in response. However, if the presentation format of fact-checked results is not persuasive, fact-checking may not be effective. For instan...
which has stud-formed connecting means which when the covering washer is locked to the metal washer extend through the opening of the metal washer and which covering washer with its periphery projects outside the metal washer and which sealingly engages the sealing layer and is connected to this...
论文标题:Dualformer: Controllable Fast and Slow Thinking by Learning with Randomized Reasoning Traces 论文地址: 具体而言,为了模仿系统 2 推理过程,他们让 Transformer 在包含推理轨迹和最终解答的数据上进行训练。利用推理步骤的结构,他们设计了特定的轨迹丢弃策略,使得生成的轨迹...