Reúne aliados y lucha para abrirte paso en el apocalipsis de los caminantes a través de lugares icónicos de The Walking Dead, incluyendo Atlanta, la granja de la familia Greene, la prisión y Woodbury. En momentos cruciales y decisivos, siempre podrás indicar el destino de tu equipo ...
The Walking Dead: Destinies Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 2.48Average rating 2.48 stars out of five stars from 2249 ratings 2249 ratings 25% 7% 9% 11% 49% Begin your journey as Rick Grimes, waking alone in a hospital surrounded by the dead. Assemble allies and fight your ...
Play the Walking Dead Destinies and change the story of the early seasons of the Walking Dead series. Save the villain or Kill the hero You decide.
Change the course of AMC’s The Walking Dead history. Fight walkers, relive iconic moments, and change the destiny of The Walking Dead Universe as your choices separate heroes from villains, and the living from the dead. Will you make the same choices as
The Walking Dead 關聯: 查閱網站 流派: 動作 冒險 生存 生存恐怖 主題: 喪屍 漫畫 恐怖 暴力 歡樂 懸疑驚悚 玩風格: 單人 戰鬥 潛行 選擇導向 特徵: Full controller support Singleplayer 成為第一個評論該產品 通過描述你喜歡什麼來幫助其他用戶 The Walking Dead: Destinies ...
Galerie VOER UW GEBOORTEDATUM IN Beschrijving Begin je verhaal als Rick Grimes, die in zijn eentje ontwaakt in een ziekenhuis omringt door de doden. Verzamel medestanders en vecht je een weg door de walker-apocalyps op verscheidene bekende locaties van The Walking Dead, waaronder Atlanta,...
行尸走肉:命运Walking Dead: DestiniesThe Walking Dead: Destinies Flux Games 2023-11-17 2.9- . - 媒体评分 2.9 评论数不足 - . - 改变AMC 的 The Walking Dead 的历史进程。与丧尸搏斗,重温标志性时刻,通过你的选择将英雄与反派、幸存者和丧尸分离,改变 The Walking Dead 宇宙的命运。你会像 Rick 一样...
Play the Walking Dead Destinies and change the story of the early seasons of the Walking Dead series. Save the villain or Kill the hero You decide.