Play the Walking Dead Destinies and change the story of the early seasons of the Walking Dead series. Save the villain or Kill the hero You decide.
The Walking Dead: Destinies, a third-person action/adventure based on the unkillable undead franchise coming "soon" to PC and consoles. Word is: "Relive critical moments from Seasons 1-4 of the hit television series AMC’s The Walking Dead in this third-person action-adventure experience ...
Heroes and villains, living and dead – it’s up to you to decide whether to stay the course of history or forge your own path through the world of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Shatter Fate: Alter the story of AMC’s The Walking Dead by weaving your own path through the series’ events...
•扮演13個標誌性角色:從AMC的Walking Dead挑選角色,包括Rick、Shane、Michonne、Carol和Daryl等。 •末日存活:管理有限的資源,搜刮武器彈藥,儘所能讓團隊在末日國度保住小命。 •緊張氣氛灌滿全身:保衛自己的營地、營救倖存者,匍匐前進潛行或正面大膽奮戰。趁喪屍危機還沒壓跨你之前,透過「破碎狀態」獲得最後的...
bekende personages: Stel een team samen uit personages uit AMC’s The Walking Dead, waaronder Rick, Shane, Michonne, Carol, Daryl, en meer. • Overleef de apocalyps: Beheer beperkte hulpmiddelen, zoek naar wapens en munitie, en maximaliseer het vermogen van je team om in leven te ...
Héroes y villanos, vivos y muertos; de ti depende decidir si quieres mantener inalterable el transcurso de la historia o labrarte tu propio camino por el mundo de AMC’s The Walking Dead. • Revienta el destino: modifica la historia de AMC’s The Walking Dead hilvanando tu propio ...
1 joueur Version PS5 Fonction de vibration et effet gâchette pris en charge (manette sans fil DualSense) Le streaming des jeux PS5 n'est possible qu'avec un abonnement Premium Langue, Violence Avis The Walking Dead: Destinies Avis global des joueurs ...