1 joueur Version PS5 Fonction de vibration et effet gâchette pris en charge (manette sans fil DualSense) Le streaming des jeux PS5 n'est possible qu'avec un abonnement Premium Langue, Violence Avis The Walking Dead: Destinies Avis global des joueurs ...
The Walking Dead: Destinies Global player ratings 2.48Average rating 2.48 stars out of five stars from 2369 ratings 2369 ratings 25% 7% 9% 11% 48% Game and Legal Info Begin your journey as Rick Grimes, waking alone in a hospital surrounded by the dead. Assemble allies and fight your way...
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Change the course of AMC’s The Walking Dead history. Fight walkers, relive iconic moments, and change the destiny of The Walking Dead Universe as your choices separate heroes from villains, and the living from the dead. Will you make the same choices as
Change the course of AMC’s The Walking Dead history. Fight walkers, relive iconic moments, and change the destiny of The Walking Dead Universe as your choices separate heroes from villains, and the living from the dead. Will you make the same choices as
购买The Walking Dead: Destinies 特价促销!3 月 12 日 截止 -70% ¥ 168.00 ¥ 50.40 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 在一座医院中醒来,四周都是丧尸,以瑞克·格莱姆斯(Rick Grimes)的身份孤身一人开始旅程。从亚特兰大到格林家族农场、再到监狱和伍德伯里,组建盟友并与无处不在的丧尸展开殊死搏斗。在关键的选择...
The Walking Dead: Destinies 行尸走肉:命运的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Altere a história de AMC’s The Walking Dead. Enfrente errantes, experimente momentos incônicos novamente e mude o destino do Universo de The Walking Dead com escolhas que separam heróis de vilões e vivos dos mortos. Você fará as mesmas escolha
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