The Psychology of Gratitude豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Gratitude, like other positive emotions, has inspired many theological and philosophical writings, but it has inspired very little vigorous, empirical research. In an effort to remedy this oversight,
Emmons, Robert A.; McCullough, Michael E. The psychology of gratitude. Oxford University Press Inc., 2004, 368 pdoi:10.14349/RLP.V45I2.1279Juan Manso-PintoFundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Having gratitude means that you force yourself to appreciate things you normally would not. You recognize things that are not obvious and put yourattentionon the things that you never considered as positive. For example, instead of thinking about the parts of the body that do not work, a stro...
The poet Rumi once wrote, “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” I put this cloak on the day I was diagnosed with cancer, and I have to say that not only did it fit like a well-worn garment, but I also looked good in it. When wearing it,...
If you want to learn everything you can about gratitude, read this book; you’ll be grateful you did.” (Jeffrey J. Froh, Associate Professor of Psychology at Hofstra University, USA) “This book is a compelling invitation to explore gratitude in its myriad of manifestations from the simple...
egg is constructed, a question whereof I have never yet been able to grasp the full importance; and they scorn the little land-animal, which lives in constant touch with us, which provides universal psychology with documents of inestimable value, which too often threatens the public wealth by ...
However, research in the field of moral psychology and cognitive neuroscience has revealed that moral decision-making encompasses not only “reflective and deliberative” processes but also “affective and emotional” processes (Cushman,2013; Greene,2013; Haidt,2012).Footnote2The latter often occur with...
综合教程3课文翻译 The Power of Gratitude 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“The Power of Gratitude”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! The Power of Gratitude Deborah Norville Robert Emmons, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of California, has long been interested in the role ...
Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377–389. ...
Can a simple daily practice truly restore our peace amidst the stress and chaos of modern life? One such practice isgratitude, a core principle of positive psychology that has garnered significantattentionrecently. But why is gratitude so powerful, and how can we leverage it to improve our me...