Sensing imminent death in the spring of 1643, King Louis XIII decided to put his affairs in order for his four-year-old son Louis XIV. Not trusting the judgement of his Spanish wife Queen Anne, who would normally have become the sole regent of France, the king decreed that a regency cou...
Moiselfwas reading an article (source forgotten, as I got caught up in the subject matter) aboutwhymany young(er) Americans – labeled as Millennials, Gen Z and Y, et al – say they do not plan to have children. This caught my attention, for both broader cultural and also personal rea...
A geologic time scale is a chronological system that separates the geological strata of a planetary body into different units in temporal sequence and shows its progressive evolution. The time scale of the Moon was established a half-century ago during the telescopic-early Apollo exploration era, ...
Moiselfwas reading an article (source forgotten, as I got caught up in the subject matter) aboutwhymany young(er) Americans – labeled as Millennials, Gen Z and Y, et al – say they do not plan to have children. This caught my attention, for both broader cultural and also personal rea...
(a) This view of southern Hydraotes Chaos highlights key features of the SHPD, including its uniform elevation margin (black outline), internal grabens (red lines), wrinkle ridges (white lines), and seven distinct, rotated mesas (red squares, labeled 1–7). Margins of these mesas tilting ...
The idea is silly. There is no need to have a space station circling the Moon in order to go to the Moon or Mars or anywhere else. And there is not much research worth doing in lunar orbit that can’t already be done on the International Space Station, in Earth orbit, or with luna...
They tend to be labeled folk metal of that American sort, and I definitely picked up on vibes reminiscent of Wolves in the Throne Room and Agalloch in their performance a decade ago. But this is something a bit more polished than those bands, with a grooving progressive aesthetic sometimes ...
Thus, when their concentration is increased, the samples must undergo a first-order phase transition while transitioning from an isotropic phase to a cholesteric phase, by way of an intermediate regime wherein both phases coexist. The ordered phase can be identified by characteristic cholesteric ...
“In no particular order, learning to play an instrument: * Reduces Stress * Produces Patience and Perseverance * Develops Music Appreciation * Cultivates Creativity * Uses Almost Every Part Of The Brain * Strengthens Your Immune System * Increases Time-Management Skills ...
Uranium is present in the soil environment because of human activity, including the usage of U-bearing phosphorus fertilizers. In oxic and many suboxic soil environments, U(VI) is the dominant uranium valence species. With pH, pe (Eh), the partial pr...