The idea is silly. There is no need to have a space station circling the Moon in order to go to the Moon or Mars or anywhere else. And there is not much research worth doing in lunar orbit that can’t already be done on the International Space Station, in Earth orbit, or with luna...
I still hear a project in its infancy, working out the kinks of how to weave rhythmic bombast and endless joyride guitar noodling into a consistent package, but this band excites me, both for promises of things to come and direct enjoyment of what they’re crafting along the way. The fun...
where 𝑐𝑖ci is the fit coefficient (Table 5 in [39]), and n is the order of fit function for the two spectral regions (n = 3, 0.3 < λ < 0.6 μm; n = 4, 0.6 ≤ λ < 1.2 μm). Further, assuming that the Moon is a space Lambertian sphere, the equivalent isotropic irr...
The red lines show the craters labeled in the maps. The Nectaris Basin (Figure 2b) is on the nearside of the Moon and is located at 35.1°E, 15.6°S, south of Mare Tranquillitatis, and west of Mare Fecunditatis. Pike and Spudis [15] classified the Nectaris Basin as a multi-ring...