The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) has been shown to be a useful tool not only for evaluating the three dimensions of pain, but also in the differentiation of pain syndromes with similar pathologies. The purpose of this study, which evaluated 286 patients with lumbalgia or lumbosciatica, was ...
Pain Res Manage 1996;1:233-7.Hasegawa M, Hattori S, Ishizaki K, Suzuki S, Goto F. The McGill Pain Questionnaire, Japanese version, reconsidered: confirming the reliability and validity. Pain Res Manag 1996;1(4):233e7.
The McGill pain questionnaire reconsidered: Confirming the factor structure and examining appropriate uses PainTurk, D. C., Rudy, T. E., & Salovey, P. (1985). The McGill Pain Questionnaire reconsidered: Confirming the factor structure and examining appropriate uses. Pain, 21, 385-397.Turk, D...
关于简化McGill疼痛问卷(Short-Form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire, SF-MPQ)的说法,正确的是( ) A. 与应用McGill疼痛问卷(MPQ)相比,SF-MPQ评估耗时短,操作更简单 B. 得分越高,表明疼痛带给患者的不良影响越大 C. 需要操作者有足够的McGill疼痛问卷使用经验 D. 适用于对复杂疼痛案例的评估,实用性...
A short form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) was previously developed. It was found to correlate highly with and demonstrate differences due to treatment in a manner similar to the long form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (LF-MPQ). The LF-MPQ was previously found to be a ...
Adult measures of pain: The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Scale (RAPS), Short-Form McGill Pain Question‐ naire (SF-MPQ), Verbal Descriptive Scale (VDS), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and West Haven-Yale Multidisciplinary Pain Inventory (WHYMPI). Arthritis Care Res ...
A short form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) has been developed. The main component of the SF-MPQ consists of 15 descriptors (11 sensory; 4 affective) which are rated on an intensity scale as 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate or 3 = severe. Three pain scores are derived...
文档标签: the short-form mcgill pain questionnaire Pain,30(1987)191-197ElsevierPAI01081191Theshort-formMcGillPainQuestionnaireRonaldMelzack’DepartmentofPsychology,McGillUniversity,Montreal,Que.H3AIBI(Canada)(Received16December1986,accepted27January1987)SummaryAshortformoftheMcGillPainQuestionnaire(SF-MPQ)hasbeen...
Pain experienced by 29 British cancer patients was evaluated by the McGill Pain Questionnaire. The questionnaires were analysed according to the traditional and a newly proposed scoring method. The results were compared with previously published studies. Scores relating to the sensory and affective compon...
McGill pain questionnaire short form (SF-MPQ). ePROVIDE, PROQOLID. Available from: (accessed 17 Nov 2020). Google Scholar 49 J. Vincent, J. MacDermid, R. Grewal, V. Sekar, D. Balachandran Translation of ...