Methods 83 patients, all fulfilling ACR criteria for SLE, participated in this cohort study and were asked to respond to self-assessment questionnaires covering their experience of pain related to SLE: visual analog scale (VAS) and Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) were used to ...
this study was to examine links among face consciousness; public self-consciousness; brand prestige; self-expressive brand (inner; social), and fashion leadership. Participants were 221 university students who completed a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha reliability, and ...
(a) Sensory 4.1 (3.9) 4.8 (3.6) -0.68 50 0.50 Affective 1.0 (1.6) 0.9 (1.6) 0.23 50 0.82 Total score 5.1 (4.8) 5.7 (4.2) 0.48 50 0.63 VAS (b) 3.5 (1.8) 4.2 (1.8) -1.50 50 0.13 PPI (c) 1.3 (0.8) 1.4 (0.6) -1.60 50 -0.16 (a) Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire. ...
VRSVerbal Rating Scale(pain assessment) VRSVancouver Recital Society VRSVoice Recognition Software VRSVariable Returns to Scale VRSVojska Republike Srpske(Serbian: Army of the Serbian Republic) VRSVortex Ring State VRSVapor Recovery System VRSVehicle Repair Specialist. ...
HOW IS PAIN FELT ACROSS COUNTRIES? THE SHORT-FORM MCGILL PAIN QUESTIONNAIRE (SF-MPQ) IN 10 LANGUAGESOBJECTIVES: Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) has become a vital part of assessing pain in international studies. The SF-MPQ is one of the most widely used tests for the ...
HOW IS PAIN FELT ACROSS COUNTRIES? THE SHORT-FORM MCGILL PAIN QUESTIONNAIRE (SF-MPQ) IN 10 LANGUAGESdoi:10.1046/j.1524-4733.2001.40202-231.xOBJECTIVES: Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) has become a vital part of assessing pain in international studies. The SF-MPQ is one of...
One-dimensional pain scales such as visual analog scales (VASs) and numeric rating scales (NRSs) are fast to administer but have limitations that must be acknowledged. Some clinical situations require the use of multidimensional scales such as the McGill Pain Questionnaire or the Multidimensional ...
The Affective-Motivational Domain of the McGill Pain Questionnaire Discriminates Between Two Distinct Fibromyalgia Patient Subgroups – A Preliminary Study Based on Self-Organizing MapsFor two decades, FMS was diagnosed based on the criteria established...