其中 McGill疼痛量表(MeGillpainquestionnaire,MPQ)是 最为成功的量表之一。McGill疼痛问卷首先由Mel— zack在 1975年发展起来 ,它从多角度进行疼痛评 估,适用于临床科研工作或者较为详细的疼痛研究 工作。但 由于MPQ中的词类 比较抽象,相对复杂 , 有时很难理解,因此要求研究对象具备一定的文化 素质,而且调查耗时较...
Key Words Pain evaluation; Neuropathic pain; Questionnaire; MPQ; MPQ-2; SF-MPQ-2 McGill疼痛问卷(McGill pain questionnaire,MPQ) [1] 自1975年发表以来已经使用了30余年,是广泛使用理念怎么办、新战略怎么干”学习研讨;注重同XX工作“存凭、留史、资政、育人”的作用结合起来,加快建立与全面建成小康社会相...
文档标签: the short-form mcgill pain questionnaire Pain,30(1987)191-197ElsevierPAI01081191Theshort-formMcGillPainQuestionnaireRonaldMelzack’DepartmentofPsychology,McGillUniversity,Montreal,Que.H3AIBI(Canada)(Received16December1986,accepted27January1987)SummaryAshortformoftheMcGillPainQuestionnaire(SF-MPQ)hasbeen...
Encyclopedia of Pain 2013, pp 1792-1794 McGill Pain Questionnaire Ronald Melzack, Joel Katz Get Access This is an excerpt from the content Synonyms MPQ; Pain evaluation; SF-MPQ; SF-MPQ-2; Subjective pain measurement Definition The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) consists of 78 words, ...
34 McGill Pain Questionnaire is a multidimensional pain scale, which provides more information on dimensions of pain beyond the simple factor of intensity, such as sensory components (tingling and hypersensitivity) as well as affective responses to pain. ...
1、疼痛问卷表疼痛问卷表(pain questionnaires)是根据疼痛的生理感受、情感因素和认识成份等多方面因素设计而成, 因此能较准确的评价疼痛的强度与性质。(一) McGill 疼痛问卷表(McGill pain questionnaire , MPQ )McGill疼痛问卷表包括四类 20组疼痛描述词,从感觉、情感、评价和其他相关类四个方面因素以及现时 疼痛强...
and word groups are arranged in rank order fromthe word that ref l ects the least pain to the one thatindicates the worst pain. The patient selects onlythose words that describe the pain at the time thequestionnaire is administered (Melzak 1975a, b).Examples include: f l ickering-...
Subjective pain measurement; Pain evaluation; MPQ; SF-MPQ The McGill Pain Questionnaire(MPQ) consists of 78words, obtained from pain-patient interviews and the clinical literature, which describe...Ronald MelzackMcGill UniversityJoel KatzMcGill University...
Overview: The McGill Pain Questionnaire can be used to evaluate a person experiencing significant pain. It can be used to monitor the pain over time and to determine the effectiveness of any intervention. It was developed at by Dr. Melzack at McGill University in Montreal Canada and has been ...
1. 慢性疼痛に対する選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬(SSRりの有効性の検討 short-form McGill Pain Questionnaireを用いて [J] . 横田直正, 井上秀也, 東航, 整形外科 . 2005,第1期 机译:慢性疼痛的选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(使用简短的McGill疼痛问卷调查SSR的功效) 2. 不安·抑うつを...