Scoring of this inventory provides a quantitative index of pain (Melzack, 1975 ).McGill Pain Questionnaire1975The first dimension, sensory quality , focuses on the variations that occur in the sensation of pain, such as temporal, spatial, pressure, and thermal properties. The second dimension, ...
Overview: The McGill Pain Questionnaire can be used to evaluate a person experiencing significant pain. It can be used to monitor the pain over time and to determine the effectiveness of any intervention. It was developed at by Dr. Melzack at McGill University in Montreal Canada and has been ...
34 McGill Pain Questionnaire is a multidimensional pain scale, which provides more information on dimensions of pain beyond the simple factor of intensity, such as sensory components (tingling and hypersensitivity) as well as affective responses to pain. ...
(1975). The McGill pain questionnaire: Major properties and scoring methods. Pain, 1, 277–299. Melzack, R. (1987). The short-form McGill pain questionnaire. Pain, 30, 191–197. Melzack, R., & Torgerson, W. S. (1971). On the language of pain. Anesthesiology, 34, 50–59. Wright...
Pain experienced by 29 British cancer patients was evaluated by the McGill Pain Questionnaire. The questionnaires were analysed according to the traditional and a newly proposed scoring method. The results were compared with previously published studies. Scores relating to the sensory and affective compon...
Key Words Pain evaluation; Neuropathic pain; Questionnaire; MPQ; MPQ-2; SF-MPQ-2 McGill疼痛问卷(McGill pain questionnaire,MPQ)[1]自1975年发表以来已经使用了30余年,是广泛使用的临床工具和研究工具。但近些年神经病理性疼痛因其临床表现特殊、诊治难度大而受到广泛的关注。MPQ因制定年代久远未包含评估神经病理...
The Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ-2) assesses the major symptoms of both neuropathic and nonneuropathic pain and can be used in studies of epidemiology, natural history, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and treatment response. Previous research has demonstrated its reliability, validity, and...
权威例句 The McGill Pain Questionnaire: Major properties and scoring methods The short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire. The Ahmadis: Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society. By Antonio Gualtieri. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's Univer... ...
其中 McGill疼痛量表(MeGillpainquestionnaire,MPQ)是 最为成功的量表之一。McGill疼痛问卷首先由Mel— zack在 1975年发展起来 ,它从多角度进行疼痛评 估,适用于临床科研工作或者较为详细的疼痛研究 工作。但 由于MPQ中的词类 比较抽象,相对复杂 , 有时很难理解,因此要求研究对象具备一定的文化 素质,而且调查耗时较...
Other tests that are useful for evaluating cognitive function in AD are the Disability Assessment in Dementia (DAD) questionnaire (Gauthier L et al., Abstract Book of the Sixth Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Assoc., 1993), the Cornell depression scale (Alexopoulos et al. 1988)) ...